Abby Johnson, Annette Lancaster, and Sue Thayer offer a behind-the-scenes look at the abortion industry ...
Abby Johnson, Annette Lancaster, and Sue Thayer offer a behind-the-scenes look at the abortion industry as they describe their past work for Planned Parenthood wherein they initially believed they were helping women in need, but later experienced a radical transformation of their perspective which led them to become the passionate pro-life advocates they are today. (Part 1 of 2) Listen here, watch recent episodes on our YouTube channel, or download our app.
Save a Baby's Life Today!
Your gift will equip pregnancy medical clinics across the country with ultrasound machines, resources and nurses' sonography training so abortion-vulnerable mothers can see their babies ... and be moved to choose life. Every $60 you donate will help save the life of one pre-born baby through our Option Ultrasound program. Give now, and we'll say thanks with Abby Johnson's book, The Walls are Talking. And thanks to a MATCH from a few generous friends, your gift today will go TWICE AS FAR! |
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