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Christians risk being criminalised for quoting passages of the Bible if new proposed hate crime legislation is passed, the Scottish Catholic Church has warned.
The Scottish Government needs to listen to critics of the Hate Crime Bill and withdraw parts of the proposed law that raise fears about freedom of speech, writes Murdo Fraser MSP.
The backlash against the SNP's hate crime bill has picked up momentum as a host of voices joined the campaign to protect free speech. NSS chief executive Stephen Evans is quoted.
"It's rare for a piece of legislation to unite disparate groups and individuals in mutual concern, but we've seen exactly this with the Hate Crime bill."
We now have overwhelming proof that we are witnessing the largest mass-internment of an ethnic group since the atrocities of the 1940s, says Yasmin Qureshi.
For years Mohamed's family tried to make him more like other boys - tougher, more "masculine". They even sent him to have a female spirit driven out with hallucinogenic drugs. Eventually, writes Layla Mahmood, they decided to kill him.
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