The Trump administration is dismantling DACA


The Trump Administration has refused to listen to the Supreme Court. Today, they announced they are refusing to allow new, initial applications and to open up advance parole for current DACA recipients.

This is a direct attack on undocumented youth and the first step to dismantling DACA altogether. The Trump Administration is once again putting the lives of DACA recipients in threat of detention and deportation. This memo will be challenged in the courts and we will keep fighting, but for now, it stands.

We know this administration's actions are racist, cruel and wrong. But we will hold them and Members of Congress accountable and we will fight for permanent protections that help people without hurting people. Let’s remember that our movement is powerful and the majority of the people in this country are on our side.

Take action below and send an email to your senator demanding they pass the Dream & Promise Act and defund ICE and CBP. Together, let’s demand the Senate pass a solution that helps immigrants without hurting our other immigrant community.


In the middle of a global pandemic, young people with DACA shouldn’t have to worry about losing their protections from deportations and their ability to work. But Trump is choosing to put the lives of DACA recipients and their families in threat of deportation once again, including 200,000 DACA recipients working on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response.

Friend, tell your friends and loved ones to join us in demanding justice. . It is time to put an end to Trump’s racist agenda.

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Together in this fight,

Nestor, and the rest of the UWD Team

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