What Happens in Vegas...
"What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas" - so the
saying goes. And in this case, what happened in Vegas really must stay
In June, Nevada's governor extended his "Phase II"
reopening order through July. The problem is that the order treats
Nevada's casinos better than its churches. Under the order,
churches are only allowed to admit 50 people total - regardless
of building size or precautions taken. Casinos, however, are permitted
to open at 50% of their occupancy limit, so for the state's
massive casinos, that can mean thousands of patrons in a building,
often in close proximity to one another.
Even more disappointment came late Friday when the U.S. Supreme Court
determined that the Nevada order treating houses of gambling better
than houses of worship could continue. Once again, it was Chief
Justice Roberts who joined the Court's liberal wing to reject
the Nevada churches' appeal for relief from this obviously
discriminatory order.
Justice Gorsuch, one of the Court's newest justices appointed
by President Trump, best responded to the decision in a sharply worded
"In Nevada, it seems, it is better to be in entertainment than
religion. Maybe that is nothing new. But the First Amendment prohibits
such obvious discrimination against the exercise of religion. The
world we inhabit today, with a pandemic upon us, poses unusual
challenges. But there is no world in which the Constitution permits
Nevada to favor Caesars Palace over Calvary Chapel."
The Nevada order remains in effect through the end of this month,
unless extended again by the governor.
So what does this mean for other churches and pastors? What happened
in Vegas must stay in Vegas.
When it comes to states reopening amidst the COVID crisis, Chief
Justice Roberts has made one thing clear - that the judiciary
must give significant respect and deference to elected lawmakers, like
Nevada's governor, who make decisions for their citizens,
especially in times of crisis.
In other words, U.S. Supreme Court justices are not elected by the
people of the United States, and therefore, they are not accountable
to the people. Governors and legislators are elected by the people, so
if they are making poor decisions on our behalf - decisions that
harm our right to freely worship, exercise our religion, or share our
faith - then we must be the ones to hold them accountable for
those decisions.
Here are three practical ways the Body of Christ can work to keep
what happened in Vegas, in Vegas:
* Be a light in your community. Light shines brightest in the
darkness, and there is no denying the depth of darkness that
exists right now. If your church can help meet community needs
or find ways to provide hope, not only will you be showing the
love of Christ to your community, you will also find that your
local political leaders may be more willing to engage in
practical conversations with you.
* Engage with elected leaders. Many elected leaders do not
understand the importance of corporate worship. Some have not
even considered the role of churches when making COVID-related
reopening decisions. The voice of churches and pastors is
critical in this process, and the only way public officials will
hear that voice is if pastors and churches are willing to engage
with these leaders. This can be yet another opportunity to
reflect the Gospel to your community.
* Hold leaders accountable. When elected leaders make decisions
that place unconstitutional burdens on our religious freedom or
place greater restrictions on churches than secular entities, it
is right and appropriate to hold those leaders accountable with
our voices and our votes. In our system of government, the
people are entrusted with the great responsibility and privilege
of ensuring that their political leaders do not trespass on
rights that are given not by government, but by God, including
our right to worship Him. Indeed, we hope people of all faiths
hold Nevada's governor responsible for his decision to
harm religious freedom in that state.
What happened in Vegas will not stay there if the Body of Christ
simply places its trust in unelected judges to protect us. Instead, we
must stand firm, speak up, and take action in a "manner worthy
of the Gospel" (Philippians 1:27). Together, let us fight to
preserve our freedom to worship so that many more might find their
freedom in Christ!
May He find His Church worthy during these times,
Pastor Vince Torres
President, Family Policy Alliance of New Mexico
Autumn Leva
Vice President of Strategy, Family Policy Alliance
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