Our movement has a very important task at hand.

Friends -

In these unprecedented times — a devastating global pandemic, an economic meltdown, and nationwide protests fighting for racial justice — our movement has a very important task at hand: doing everything that we possibly can to continue fighting for a strong progressive agenda that puts working people first.

One part of that fight involves standing with progressive candidates — up and down the ballot, all across the country — who will take on the one percent, the political and economic establishment, and powerful forces like Wall Street, the fossil fuel industry, and the prison-industrial complex.

Here's the situation: some of our strongest allies in the fight for justice have tough primaries coming up, some of them very soon. Many of these elections are incredibly close going into the last days of the race — so much so that one more push in the final stretch could mean the difference between winning and losing.

Having one-on-one conversations with voters is one of the most effective ways that you can have an impact on these primaries. That's why we're asking:

Can you sign up for our next Day of Action on Saturday, August 1, and contact voters for progressive candidates with very important races coming up soon? These calls are important.

The truth is that our movement has had some huge wins recently. From state legislative races in Pennsylvania, to district attorney and prosecutor races in Texas and Colorado, to congressional primaries in New York City, together we've shown that from coast to coast, up and down the ballot, working people are standing up and fighting for the progressive change this country needs.

Here are the candidates we're asking you to help get out the vote for ahead of their upcoming primaries:

Congressional Candidates in Minnesota, Michigan, and Missouri

Prosecutor and State's Attorneys Candidates in Florida and Michigan

These candidates have all shown that they are committed to fighting for our movement's values and are not afraid to take on the billionaire class of this country. That's why we're proud to partner with them all, and right now they're counting on all of us to get involved in order to win their primaries.

Add your name to join our next Day of Action this Saturday, August 1, and we'll send you all the information you need to get started.

Thank you for being a part of our movement, and for joining us for this important Day of Action.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie