
Before the end of July, we need to ask directly for your help.

July has always been a notoriously difficult month to fundraise in, and so things have predictably been a bit slow for us. Despite being less than 100 days out from the November election, we’ve struggled to hit our fundraising goals for the month.

We’re setting a last-minute goal of raising $12,500 by midnight on Friday, July 31st. Can you chip in to help us get there?

Seth and our team are working hard to make sure he wins his re-election, John. But this has been an election cycle like no other, and we’re not going to get complacent.

Anything can happen.

Hitting goals like this one will allow us to communicate our message throughout the district, provide critical information on how to cast a mail ballot, and ensure Seth stays right where he is in Congress.

Please contribute whatever is meaningful to you right now to help us hit our $12,500 goal before our midnight deadline on Friday.

Thank you,

Team Moulton