We have THREE days left to hit our goal.
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Dear Fellow Patriot,
We have an important deadline to meet, and we need your help TODAY.
We’ve set a lofty fundraising goal of $25,000 in the last 5 days of July, and with three days left, we are on our way to meeting our mark.
But we can’t get there without you.
Chip into my campaign against Communist Sen. Chris Coons today, and help me meet my fundraising goal for the month of July ([link removed]) .
Chris Coons marched with violent rioters in Delaware, and then bragged about it.
I have been fighting back against ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, and the radical far-left, and now I’m ready to take this fight to Washington.
I have:
* Personally taken to the streets to fight back against Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA Communists
* Exposed Sen. Coons as a shill for globalist corporate interests
* Spread the America First message far and wide across the state of Delaware
But my opponent has a massive Democrat Party Machine war chest, and we need to match him.
That’s why it’s so CRUCIAL that we hit this deadline.
Every contribution today goes directly towards meeting my July fundraising goal, flipping a U.S, Senate seat from Blue to Red, and fighting the radical Communists who are trying to overtake our streets ([link removed]) .
We need about 300 more $50 donations from American Patriots like you before the end of the month in order to reach our goal.
I’m asking you to dig down deep today, because the future of America depends on it.
Will we accept far-left lawlessness and chaos, or do we want Law and Order?
Show me that you want Law and Order by chipping in $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $150, or anything you can afford to my campaign today so we can crush our July fundraising goal, and end the anarchy in our streets ([link removed]) .
Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Lauren Witzke
Republican for U.S. Senate, Delaware
P.S. After you chip in, you can also help by forwarding this message to all your Patriotic friends.
Tell them that America needs Law and Order, and that contributing to my campaign today will help me fight the far-left radicals ([link removed]) !
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