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Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A Message from..
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars & Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Are You a Campaign Patriot?

Dear John,

I've come to consider you as a close associate who shares my passion and love for America, believes in her greatness and is willing to fight for it.

I count on you to fight alongside me against socialism and Liberal Radicals who would like nothing better than to see hard-working Americans paying sky-high tax rates so the federal government can hand out myriad services that make people dependent on the government for the rest of their lives.

And the truth is, if President Trump, had not beaten Hillary Clinton, we would be closer than ever to becoming a socialist country, or worse:

The Democrat Plan for America

But since President Trump's victory, the Left has attacked him relentlessly.  Instead of rolling up their sleeves to work with Donald Trump to accomplish even more, they dug their heels in and spent their time contriving lie after lie about President Trump and the success of his leadership.

These Progressive Democrats hate Trump.

These Progressive Democrats hate Americans.

These Progressive Democrats hate America!

But why do they hate President Trump so much?

Because when he was running for president in 2016 he had the audacity to speak directly to black Americans and asked them to abandon the Democrat Party for the true party of freedom:  The Republican Party.

He told them, if they did this, their lives would improve.

This infuriated and terrified Democrats because they understand that if they lose the black vote, they'll never win an election again.  And now their biggest fear is coming true...

A poll just released by Zogby, a respected non-partisan polling group, found that Joe Biden is underperforming among Black Voters compared to prior Democrat nominees.

In fact their numbers show that only 77% percent of blacks are for Joe Biden, 14% plan to vote for President Trump and 9% have not made up their mind.

Haris Alic of Breitbart said this about Zogby's latest poll:

"If accurate, the numbers pose a major problem for Biden and his party moving into the general election.  Most Democrat strategists point to a drop-off in black turnout between 2012 and 2016 as the primary reason for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton lost..."

"The drop-off was most significant in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin—states that went narrowly for Trump in that election after having backed Democrats at the presidential level for nearly three decades."

Needless to say, we are elated!  This proves that our tested and proven "Nadler Method" of communicating the truth directly to minority voters is indeed working!

With your help, Stars and Stripes has been on the air in Alabama, California, Maine, New Mexico and Pennsylvania since August of 2019.  We've also been on the air in Michigan and Minnesota since February.

We now have less than 100 days until Americans take to the polls to vote on Nation's future, and we MUST keep gaining momentum.   We CANNOT afford to slow down now because there's simply too much at stake.

We MUST continue to be laser-focused making sure minorities hear the truth.  It is NOT a "waste of time" as the talking heads and overpaid political consultants have been claiming for years.

It's become painfully obvious that Democrats do NOT care about helping minorities improve their lives and provide a brighter more hopeful future for their children.  Instead, they just make empty promises so they can keep the minority vote because they know if they lose it, they can't win.

Now, thanks to conservatives like you and me reaching out with the truth, Black and minority voters are waking up and leaving the Democratic Party like NEVER BEFORE.

And the latest Zogby poll shows that Biden is losing more and more of the Black Vote.

But if we are going to win in November, then we MUST go ALL-IN right now to keep our outreach radio ads ON THE AIR through Election Day.

That is why I'm asking you to become a Campaign Patriot TODAY!

We must not only stay on the air in Alabama, California, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico and Pennsylvania, but increase our ad buys in minority markets, and expand into Arizona and Colorado ASAP.

These are the states that can make the difference in November.

Please decide to become a CAMPAIGN PATRIOT today by giving your first monthly donation today...

Get this American Flag zipper pull for your monthly donation today...and as a special thank you gift, I'll send you this patriotic, American Flag zipper pull / keychain.

You only have to sign-up once for your monthly gift will be automatically charged around the same time every month through November, and I'll personally make sure that your monthly donation is cancelled by December.

Your immediate and continued support is CRUCIAL to keep our minority outreach radio ads ON THE AIR and expand into other key battleground states.

We've come so far in four years, having another four is imperative.

Please respond today!

John Philip Sousa IV Urgently,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC

P.S. You've heard it over and over again, but it bears repeating... If the Democrats lose just 14% of the African American vote, they cannot win!

And right now, polls are showing President Trump has 14% of the Black vote with another 9% still undecided.

Get this American Flag zipper pull for your monthly donation todayJohn,, we can propel President Trump to victory and STOP the march of the radical left... but only with your immediate and continued support.

So please become a CAMPAIGN PATRIOT with a monthly donation today, and I will send you this exclusive American Flag zipper pull as a special thank you gift.

President Trump needs our help and Americans need President Trump.