If Joe Biden thinks he can roll into Minnesota bankrolling liberal candidates and attempt to buy this election, he is sadly mistaken.
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Joe Biden is staffing up in Minnesota - making it abundantly clear how important this state is. 

The problem - he has plenty of RADICAL, ANTI-MINNESOTA positions including: 

        - Middle Class Tax Hikes
        - Opposes Mining
        - Supports the defund the police movement  

All the while, we haven’t heard a peep from Senator Tina Smith on whether she agrees with Sleepy Joe or not.  

This is par for the course for Tight-Lipped Tina who has been silent on a majority of massive issues facing our nation to this point. 

That’s why we’re calling on you today to help conservatives send Radical Leftist Tina Smith and Joe Biden packing in November.

Chip in today and show the Radical Left that Minnesota won’t succumb to the freedom killing policies they want to put in place. 
Any sized contribution will make the difference! 

Donate $250

Donate $100

Donate $50

Donate $25

If Joe Biden thinks he can roll into Minnesota bankrolling liberal candidates and attempt to buy this election, he is sadly mistaken

Donate today to help flip Minnesota RED! 


Paid for by Jason Lewis for Senate

Jason Lewis for Senate
PO Box 4515
St. Paul, MN 55104

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