
Our election is all about choices.

Choices that could literally shift the current system in place -- a system that has for too long disadvantaged communities of color, our queer friends and family members, our immigrant and migrant communities, and many more.

This election, you have a choice -- do you want someone with a long and distinguished progressive record working for us every day in Congress, or do you want someone with a record of flip-flopping on these issues?

Do you want someone who knows this district, grew up in this district, cares deeply about this district, or someone who moved here because it was the next politically step up the ladder? Yes, we said it -- our opponent is shopping for a seat.

There's a lot at stake here -- and that's why Georgette should be your choice.

We have a steep end-of-month fundraising goal of $15,000 to raise by Friday night. Can you chip in $5 to help us smash this goal? Here at our campaign headquarters, we also have some choices to make within our campaign -- and most of them come down to money.

We ask ourselves things like:
  • Do we have what it takes to raise enough from grassroots supporters this month, or do we need to pull Georgette from online campaign events and into call time?
  • Do we run our new ad now, or do we wait until we get closer to the election, losing precious time talking to voters that will be voting early by mail more than ever before?
  • Do we order a new batch of yard signs, or do we send out campaign flyers? (Hopefully both!)
These are choices we might have to make if we don't meet our goal.

Our campaign believes in a strong grassroots campaign that is built one person at a time. Our campaign is able to thrive thanks to you and your neighbors that chip in $5 here and $15 there. Georgette is so grateful for the support she's been receiving from grassroots supporters like you.

There are tough choices, and we hope you make the choice to help us meet our end-of-month goal. Can you chip in $5 or anything you can to help us get to $15,000 by Friday night?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Friend, your donation is just the beginning of the progressive initiatives ahead of us.

-- Team Gómez