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Dear John,

It's World Water Week!

Organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), World Water Week is an annual focal point for global water issues. And Ceres has four experts in Stockholm this week, with two of them participating in the following sessions:
Food supply chains & water stewardship: Sector initiatives driving collective action

Monday's session examined the food sector’s potential for mobilizing collective action in water risk hotspots. Along food supply chains, growers are most exposed to water risks yet often lack capacity and resources to become good water stewards. Retailers and big brands, who are exposed to these water risks via their supply chains in addition to reputational risk, can play a key role in engaging the food sector due to their strong market position and ability to invest long-term. 

Kirsten James, Ceres' Water Program Director, highlighted our collective action initiatives and shared some early findings of the Feeding Ourselves Thirsty report which will be released this October.
Connecting impact investor goals with evidence for sustainable water management
Thursday's session features representatives from Ceres, Conservation International, Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA), the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN), OECD, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) and the Nature Conservancy to present and discuss the challenges and opportunities in sustainable water management impact investing and the evidence base for impacts and impact measurement. 
Robin Miller, Ceres' Manager, Investor Engagement, Water, will speak to the Investor Water Hub's perspective on impact investing in water and share key resources on the Investor Water Toolkit including the latest  case study from PGGM.

We are launching our new water quiz during World Water Week. Take it now and find out how much you know about water!
The Investor Water Toolkit's interactive quiz allows you to test your investor water IQ. Does your investment team have the policies, practices and performance standards you need to be water-aware? Take the quiz today to get a sense of your progress, and receive customized recommendations of resources and sections in the Toolkit.
Thank you!

Monika Freyman, CFA
Investor Engagement,

Ceres is a sustainability nonprofit organization working with the most influential investors and companies to build leadership and drive solutions throughout the economy.

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