From Heidi Shierholz, EPI Policy Center <[email protected]>
Subject Tell Congress: Don't change the law to protect negligent companies
Date July 28, 2020 4:17 PM
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We must stop the U.S. Senate from shielding negligent companies that fail to protect employees and customers from COVID

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Tell Congress:

People throughout our country won’t be safe if they can’t enforce their rights. We must prioritize human life, not shield corporations from responsibility. Please oppose corporate immunity for businesses that don’t protect their employees or customers from COVID-19.
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With tens of millions of workers either officially unemployed or otherwise out of work as a result of the virus and $600 weekly enhanced unemployment benefits expiring this week, Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans are focused on exactly the wrong thing.

Instead of advancing critical worker protections and aid to maintain state and local services, Republicans and corporate advocacy organizations like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce have made “liability shield” legislation the main priority for additional pandemic relief and recovery measures. Instead of protecting workers and customers from COVID-19, they’re claiming that it’s necessary to remove liability from businesses in order to reopen the economy.

To be clear, removing legal accountability from businesses would jeopardize the health and safety of workers and consumers and threaten the overall economic recovery.

Demand Congress get its priorities straight. Join the EPI Policy Center and our coalition of national partners to demand Congress protect people, not negligent companies! ([link removed])

Eliminating all legal liability for businesses will likely lead to more businesses acting irresponsibly and placing potential profits ahead of worker and consumer safety.

The fact that top Republicans are pushing shield legislation shouldn't be a surprise. EPI research ([link removed]) shows that Republicans and corporate interest groups have long pursued policies aimed at making it more difficult for workers and consumers to sue corporations.

A prime example of this effort is when companies require workers, as a condition of employment, to resolve all workplace disputes through arbitration. EPI experts have written about how this “forced arbitration” makes it nearly impossible for workers to hold their employers accountable for violating their labor and employment rights. Indeed that is the point: to rig the system against workers and shield corporations. We cannot let this stand.

Join the EPI Policy Center and our national coalition to demand Congress hold irresponsible employers accountable if they cause COVID-19 outbreaks. Add your name! Tell Congress to reject prioritizing the needs of corporate America over working people and families. ([link removed])

It’s up to us to demand that Congress’s focus be on protecting working people, those on the frontlines and states and communities in need, not protecting reckless companies that fail to protect their employees and customers from this deadly virus.

Thank you for all you do to fight for an economy that works for all us, not just corporate America and the wealthy few.

Heidi Shierholz
Senior Economist and Director of Policy, EPI Policy Center
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