
When we launched our 100 days out goal, we knew it was going to be a stretch. But just over one week later, I’m proud to report that we hit our ambitious $100,000 target in the final hours of Sunday night.

Goal Reached

I’m amazed, but I’m not surprised, because this is what Minnesota DFLers do. We show up for our values and we show up for each other.

I can’t thank you enough for everything you continue to do to support us and the mission we’ve been charged with this year of holding the line and keeping Minnesota blue.

Our work is far from over, but as long as we stick together down this home stretch, we will prevail this November.

Thank you,

Ken Martin
Minnesota DFL

DFL Victory Club

Join the DFL Victory Club and start a monthly recurring contribution today.

Your monthly recurring donation will help us defend our Minnesota House DFL Majority, take back the Minnesota Senate, re-elect Senator Tina Smith, flip Republican Congressional seats from red to blue, stop Trumpism at the door, and keep Minnesota blue in November. DFL Victory Club Members will also receive special updates and offers from our party headquarters.