"House passes Coons-Chu bill to repeal Trump 'Muslim ban'" - Dover Post, July 22, 2020. Did you see the news, John -- Last Wednesday, the House passed the NO BAN Act, which Chris introd

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"House passes Coons-Chu bill to repeal Trump 'Muslim ban'"

Dover Post, July 22, 2020

Did you see the news, John --

Last Wednesday, the House passed the NO BAN Act, which Chris introduced in the Senate! This legislation would repeal Donald Trump's Muslim ban, a cruel policy that continues to tear families apart, and prevent any administration from discriminating on the basis of any religion in immigration policy.

Dozens of advocacy organizations, including the ACLU, Brennan Center for Justice, Human Rights Campaign, National Council of Churches, and The Lawyers Conference on Civil and Human Rights, have mobilized to pass the NO BAN Act. Now, its passage rests on the desk of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

We cannot let the NO BAN Act sit in Mitch McConnell's legislative graveyard. Add your name now to demand a Senate vote on the NO BAN Act →

The NO BAN Act passed in the House. Demand a Senate Vote >>

Chris has been speaking out against Trump's Muslim Ban from the beginning. Chris knows that Trump's xenophobic policy does not represent who we are and does not make us safer. Instead, it's a shameful stain on our democracy.

Thousands of families have been torn apart because of Trump's Muslim ban, and if we don't act now, thousands more will face the same fate. We cannot grow complacent or allow ourselves to become numb. We need to end religious discrimination -- against any faith -- in immigration now.

Now is the time to raise our voices and demand the passage of Chris' NO BAN Act in the Senate. Add your name now to stand with Chris, as he fights against prejudice and bigotry.

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