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I don’t need to tell you that a lot is riding on the 2020 elections!

We’ve seen what happens under the failed “leadership” of Nancy Pelosi as the Speaker of the House. That’s why one of our highest priorities this year is to WIN the battleground race in the 5th district.

The Democrats know that if they steal this seat, they’ll likely keep their majority in the House.

They even brought in liberals’ favorite senator, Elizabeth “Medicare for All” Warren, to endorse their campaign.

Can we really afford another term of Speaker Pelosi? Can we afford leaders hand-picked by Elizabeth Warren?

No, we cannot.

Thankfully, we have a fantastic conservative candidate running in this race — Victoria Spartz. We’ve already earned some great support from our grassroots team, but we’ll need everyone mobilized to counter the out-of-state Democrat super money machine.

Will you chip in $5, $10, $25, $50, $100, $250, or what you can right now to ensure a victory for Victoria this November?

I want to make sure everyone who contributes during this critical time is recognized, so we’re going to include your name on our official Hoosier Donor Wall. For a limited time, everyone who donates will have a spot and be remembered as a generous benefactor who stepped up against the liberal elitist super donors.

Can you dig deep to support Victoria and help us win back the House?

Donate $5 for victory for Victoria! >>

Donate $10 for victory for Victoria! >>

Donate $25 for victory for Victoria! >>

Donate $50 for victory for Victoria! >>

Donate $100 for victory for Victoria! >>

Donate $250 for victory for Victoria! >>

Donate another amount for victory for Victoria! >>


I have faith that we can get through these trying times, and that we will emerge even stronger on the other side. But we have to band together to get there and elect a new conservative majority in the House.

Will you help us today, and be remembered for years to come by putting your name on the wall?

Thank you for your support,
Kyle Hupfer
Chairman, Indiana Republican Party

Fire Speaker Pelosi NOW! >>
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