In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news
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The Scottish Newspaper Society has joined a growing backlash against new Scottish Government legislation making its way through Holyrood, which critics fear
will have a chilling impact on freedom of speech and lead to prosecutions for expressing what are seen as controversial views.
Barclays Bank has closed the account of Core Issues Trust (CIT), a charity that supports 'change oriented therapies' for 'those who want to move away from
homosexual feelings'.
The Church of England is investigating how the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby dealt with complaints of serial abuse of young men at Christian holiday
The wife of a prominent Nigerian humanist accused of blasphemy has pleaded for information about his wellbeing on the eve of the three-month anniversary of
his detention.
India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lay the foundation stone for a grand Hindu temple in a highly anticipated ceremony at a holy site that was bitterly
contested by Muslims, officials said Sunday.
The President of the Nigerian Commission Hepatitis Zero Representative to African Union has attributed the increasing number of Hepatitis B and C cases to
certain cultural practices, notably circumcision, tribal marks, body scarification and piercing.
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