Dear John,
In the midst of this pandemic, I praise God that you together with our supporters have remained mission hearted, bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ into a suffering world. Through your wonderful love and commitment, I know that you are providing hope, saving lives and continuing to partner with us in fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus in Matt 28.
Thank you for your incredible faith and commitment. May the name of Jesus be glorified through you.
In our stories below, we have included an eight-page update in our African Harvest magazine, the latest prayer guide, together with a special appeal for prayer and fasting that our African teams commenced yesterday. We celebrate Mandela day, read about the experiences of training pastors in Africa and see some further reports on our covid response as the virus takes hold of Africa.
Would you hold us in prayer as we seek God’s divine providence in reaching out to thousands of households in lockdown and give thanks for gracious providence of gifts as we equip workers in the field.
I pray that you would shine among this generation like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. (see Philippians 2:15-16).
God bless,
Ben Campbell
Chief Executive Officer
African Enterprise Australasia