In 2018 Our Revolution mobilized our grassroots membership to win critical DNC reforms that created a fair and transparent process for the 2020 Presidential primary. Our organizing led to key rules changes to ensure that voters - not Superdelegates - selected our Democratic presidential nominee, encouraged state parties to adopt same-day party and voter registration, and expanded vote-by-mail.
But here’s the problem: Our reforms are set to EXPIRE. That’s why we are proud to support a resolution for the DNC to extend these critical reforms to 2024. Add your name here to tell the DNC to adopt our resolution! We must make sure the Democratic Party continues to push forward structural reforms that engage more voters and continue to build a strong and inclusive Party ready to win elections up and down the ballot.
That starts with not sliding backward and ensuring that we keep the reforms we fought so hard to win.
It’s up to US to keep the Democratic Party democratic! Sign here to call on the DNC to ratify our resolution to keep progressive reforms that we won in 2018!
In Solidarity, Jane Kleeb Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Our Revolution Board Member 