
There’s a California state law so notorious that it’s simply known as AB5. 

AB5 is notorious because it is killing American dreams. It is doing so by destroying independent contractor jobs and devastating businesses. 

Despite pushback in California, Democrats want to take it nationwide, passing the Protecting the Right to Organize Act (dubbed the PRO Act) through the U.S. House of Representatives earlier this year.
Stop job-killing regulations
It has since become a big-ticket item on the Democratic Party Platform, with Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden recently adopting it onto his official political agenda.

Stop the government from killing American dreams. Protect independent contractors.

Why would the government want to kill jobs and opportunities at a time when workers, businesses, and the economy are already on life support? 

Independent contractors (those who are self-employed, freelance, or work gig-economy jobs) are arguably suffering the most right now. 

Shouldn’t the government be making it easier, not harder, for people to work?

This is a classic example of big-government trying to infiltrate every aspect of our lives. And we all know that the government should NOT be in the business of business. 

Speak up to protect independent contractors from these oppressive and excessive job-killing regulations.

We must fight for freelancers to be FREE to choose their own work—and for independent contractors to be INDEPENDENT from others interfering in their ability to choose how, when, and for whom they work.

This government-takeover of independent workers’ jobs is a new low, even for the government. We’re in the midst of a global pandemic and recession, when gig economy, freelance, and other independent contracting jobs are some of the most essential. 

If this is the shot… then what’s the chaser? We literally cannot afford to find out.

Sign our petition to protect independent contractors’ flexibility and freedom.


Tammy Bruce