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Dear John,

I want to introduce you to my friend Mark Kelly. Mark has been a leading voice in the fight to end gun violence, and now he's running to flip Arizona's Senate seat.

This is a must-win seat if we want to take back the Senate in 2020, and it's a race we can win with your help. Will you pitch in a $5 contribution to our campaigns?

A few weeks ago, 31 people lost their lives in two horrific mass shootings. Countless others have since been killed in acts of violence that didn't make the headlines. Mark and his wife, former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords, know their pain all too well. On a Saturday morning eight years ago, Gabby was gunned down in a supermarket parking lot. While Gabby fortunately survived, six of her constituents did not.

In the wake of this heartbreaking tragedy, Mark and Gabby decided to dedicate their life's work to ending the gun violence epidemic. Together, they have helped elect candidates across the country who pledge to pass common-sense gun safety reforms such as universal background checks, banning high-capacity magazines, and outlawing military-style assault weapons.

Thanks to their advocacy, the House passed a bipartisan background check bill, but Mitch McConnell is blocking a vote. Under his leadership, the Senate has become a legislative graveyard, and year after year common-sense gun safety reforms that could be saving thousands of lives don't see the light of day.

It's up to us to fight back and make sure Mark has the resources he needs to win this seat. Can you split a $5 contribution to our campaigns to help Mark win?

Mark and I won't stop fighting until we live in a country where we don't have to be afraid to run errands, attend festivals, or go to school in fear of what might happen. We can and must change this, but we can't do it without your help. Chip in today >>

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