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Hey, Mad Doggies!
August was certainly dog days for us, but not merely from the sweltering heat. We’ve been persisting in our resisting all month long with some super fun stunts, and debuting awesome new merch so that all you doggies can join in the fun with us! 

Here’s a rundown of the most infamous of our exploits this month:

President Barack Obama Ave:  Last Friday, at high noon, a couple of Mad Dogs, clearly frothing at the mouth, engaged in an act of civil disobedience in Manhattan. At the corner of 5thAve. & 56th Street, and at the corner of 5thAve. & 57th Street, AKA THE TWO STREET CORNERS ON EITHER SIDE OF TRUMP TOWER, new street signs that proudly proclaimed this block, “President Barack Obama Ave” were installed. 

We were tired of waiting for who are doing a wonderful campaign for the same deal.  In case we violated a city ordinance, it totally wasn’t us (Wink wink!).  We’re not sure how long the signs stayed up, because the stench of sulfur emanating from the eponymous tower was so pungent we had to leave pretty quickly.

Speaking of which…do you want to get your own Barack Obama Avenue sign?  We thought you would, so we made some extras!  You can order your very own sign, along with lots of other hilarious Mad Dog gear - come get your catharsis on here:

Chao, Baby!  We mounted new billboards in Kentucky for a fresh new look, unveiled at the beginning of this month. We’d be remiss if we didn’t capitalize on Mitch’s new nickname, so of course one of them says “Moscow Mitch,” and the other one, chosen by Mad Dog fans on Twitter, features Moscow Mitch with his wife, Elaine Chao, in formal evening attire. “We’re rich! How y’all doin?” is emblazoned next to the jet-setting tortoise and his grinning wife.

Coming Soon…Ol’ Linseed Lindsay Graham is getting a second billboard this week!  Our latest billboard will be unveiled near Columbia, SC on I-26 Southbound, in between mile markers 127 and 128. Here’s a preview: 

Finally, we hear that Hair Fuhror is proposing that next year’s G-7 meeting be held at Trump Doral, Miami. Since this is the most generous and least corrupt gesture by any leader in human history ever (*eyeroll*), we promise that in the event this actually comes to pass, we will show up to commemorate this momentous national honor with due pomp and circumstance in typical epic Mad Dog fashion. Bed bugs notwithstanding. Stay tuned, pups!

Like what we do? Throw us a bone!  There's a long election season coming, and we're just getting started! Every donation or purchase helps fund our billboards and other non-violent political shenanigans aimed at removing these criminals from office! Click the links to join the fight!
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