
On Friday, I announced that I was ending my presidential campaign. Then Donald Trump attacked me on Twitter, blaming my exit for Friday’s stock market crash!

He actually gave me a back-handed compliment by saying that Wall Street would have preferred I stay in the race. But I’m not sure that’s what he intended--he was clearly trying to be insulting.

His tweet came after he must have seen me on MSNBC, where I said this: “[Trump] obviously does not understand basic economics and how tariffs work, because he’s carried on this trade war that’s accomplished nothing with China, but it’s hurt our farmers, our fishermen, [and] our American families.”

Just 15 minutes later, he tweeted blaming me for the market crash that his reckless trade war has caused. John, this is classic Trump: he loves to insult veterans, and he always deflects blame from his own mistakes.

John, will you make a contribution today to support my Leadership Fund? Your money will help us fight back against Trump’s lies, support my Congressional reelection, and give us a voice to support other Democrats running for Congress around the country.

This episode was a good reminder that even though I’m no longer running for president, we still have work to do—and lots of it. To hold Trump and his Republican friends accountable, we need to retain control of the House, win the Senate, and take back the White House.

Our economy and our future depend on it.

Chip in right now to help us win everywhere—and get our cable-obsessed, serial-liar president out of office.

Thank you,
