It’s getting hotter.

Hey John,

The youth strikers have said it loud and clear: we need bold climate action from the world’s leaders, and we need freedom from the power and greed of fossil fuel billionaires.

Last month was the hottest month ever recorded in human history. 2015 to 2019 is set to be as the warmest five-year period on record.1

We have no time to waste. That’s why we’re organizing with youth leaders from Seattle to Baltimore and around the world to mobilize millions for the youth-led Global Climate Strikes starting September 20th.

We need to act now, John. Can you donate and be part of this historic climate mobilization?

If we don’t act now and justly transition to 100% renewable energy, the climate crisis will only get worse. This is why we’re striking: because our leaders from the US to the UN need to know that we won’t let them continue with business as usual.

With your support, will train thousands of youth in grassroots organizing and provide digital tools to turn out thousands of people all around the world. Your support can ensure more people attend strikes, secure important permits, and allow us to spread this crucial call to action far and wide.

Temperatures are rising quickly, and so must we. Please pitch in today and join us in organizing millions for climate action.

Our climate is on the verge of collapse. That’s why we need everyone to come together this September and demand big, structural change. The climate crisis isn’t waiting, and neither can we.

Chip in today to support the largest climate mobilization in history.

For the future,

U.S. Campaign Manager

1 - Here’s how the hottest month in recorded history unfolded around the world, Brady Dennis and Andrew Freedman, The Washington Post, August 5, 2019. is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and text 350 to 83224 to get important mobile action alerts. Become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing. Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out our map to see if there's a local 350 group or event near you.

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