We’ve beat him before and we need to do it again

Team— Last month, in a victorious decision, the Supreme Court ruled that the Trump administration illegally ended the DACA program. But not only has Trump refused to reopen the application and renewal process, he never stopped with his threats of deportation against DACA recipients.

The bottom line is this: the Supreme Court ruled in our favor, and it’s time for Trump to act like it.

Because of grassroots supporters like you, we were able to mount a case in the highest Court in the land and in the court of public opinion. We were successful because we banded together — immigrants, undocumented youth, and all allies of our movement — to fight for the dignity and rights of our people.

Now, Trump and the Department of Homeland Security have hinted they’ll try to end DACA again before they ever restart it, so we need to be ready to take up the fight once more.

Will you make a donation of any amount today to help us prepare for Trump’s next round of attacks against DACA and our communities? While we are in limbo waiting for Trump to follow the law, we need to get ready for anything he might throw at us next. Chip in to help us have the resources we’ll need to fight back.

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What we do right now and how we respond to Trump’s final months in office and his last attempts to use our lives as political pawns can make a real, meaningful difference in the lives of DACA recipients and their families, immigrant and undocumented young people, and members of our community across the country.

If you’re able, please consider making a donation to fuel these next few critical months of our work. If you can’t give today, that’s no problem at all — consider forwarding this email to 5 friends or family members who you want to join our movement.

We’re so grateful for all you do.

Cynthia from United We Dream Action

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