News from Representative Clarke

July 27, 2020

To the Good People of the Ninth Congressional District,

My office remains open for casework requests, with restrictions in place to keep visitors and staff safe. These include:

  • Visitors must make appointments prior to arriving at the office
    You can call (718) 287-1142 during office hours to make an appointment
  • Masks or a face covering must be worn at all times
  • Social distancing measures will be in effect

Additionally, the IRS is issuing Economic Impact Payments to non-filers who receive benefits from SSA based on information provided by the SSA. Non-Filers who just started receiving Social Security in 2020 need to register on the Non-Filers tool to receive a payment.

See the following from the SSA website:

It's important that we continue to stay vigilant regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. Regular hand-washing, mask-wearing in public and social distancing practices remain our best tools for stopping the spread of this virus.

Ensure that you are continuing to tune in to local officials' guidance regarding best practices in fighting the coronavirus and keeping your families safe. Achieving a post-COVID reality is only a possibility if we all follow the guidelines of the healthcare community. 

This week, the late great Congressman John Lewis will lie in state in the Capitol Rotunda, one of the highest American honors. There will be an opportunity for members of the public to pay their respects both today and tomorrow. If you are in Washington, DC and would like to pay your respects, further information can be found here. Alternatively, the family has requested that you pay virtual tribute using the hashtags #BelovedCommunity or #HumanDignity. 


Yvette D. Clarke

Member of Congress



Passed Legislation

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

  • This week, the NO BAN Act passed the House of Representatives. I voted in favor of this crucial legislation, to affirm that immigrants of all backgrounds are welcome in the United States. This bill repeals the Trump Administration's ban on immigrants from Muslim-majority countries in Africa and the Middle East, and restricts the administration's ability to enact similar bans in the future. 


  • The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was also passed this week in the House of Representatives. Several of my amendments made it into the final version of the bill, including: 
    • Language inspired by my bill, the Honoring Real Patriots Act, requiring the Department of Defense (DOD) to rename military bases and other property that honors the Confederacy, is included in the NDAA.
    • My DOD Algorithmic Accountability Amendment will be the first-ever statutory requirement that a federal agency vet their AI systems for potential discriminatory bias, as well as compliance with other key Ethical AI principles. This is critical since un-vetted AI can often perpetuate societal biases against people of color, women, and older Americans. 
    • My NAII Algorithmic Accountability Amendment expands the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative’s mandate to include combating algorithmic bias. 
    • My Deepfakes Working Group Amendment creates a new permanent body at the Defense Department to assess the risks of deepfakes and other forms of manipulated media on our national security – and develop technologies and strategies to combat those threats. Among other things, the Working Group will be required to increase our intelligence capabilities with respect to China and Russia’s weaponization of deepfakes. 
    • My Military and Intelligence Implications of Deepfakes Amendment will create two new federal initiatives to address the national security implications of deepfakes. First, it requires the Department of Defense to create plans for how to react to deepfakes deployed by foreign adversaries in active conflicts. Secondly,  the amendment requires the Intelligence Community to expand its efforts to understand deepfakes and coordinate these efforts with the DOD.
    • My Combating Xenophobia in our Armed Forces Amendment will require the DOD’s workplace climate surveys to include questions regarding any xenophobic, anti-immigrant incidents experienced by our troops or DOD civilian personnel. 
    • My Critical Infrastructure Resiliency Planning Amendment would require DOD to identify gaps in its existing plans to respond to catastrophic critical infrastructure failure events and then update these plans to reflect new and emerging threats.
    • My Enhancing Engagement with the Caribbean Amendment  encourages the Secretaries of State and Defense to increase collaboration with Caribbean partners, including on matters such as disaster relief, humanitarian assistance, and regional security coordination.   

Committee on Homeland Security

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

  • In Wednesday’s hearing, I spoke about the federal government’s response to, and preparedness for, the coronavirus pandemic. I also asked FEMA Administrator Peter Gaynor regarding management of the national medical stockpile, which is set aside for the nation’s use during crises such as pandemics.



If you know someone who deserves to be nominated, submit answers to the following questions to [email protected]

  1. Who would you like to nominate? 
  2. What is their position? 
  3. What type of essential worker? This includes any person such as, but is certainly not limited to: Medical, Hospital custodian/sanitation, Nursing, NS81, Service aide, Respiratory therapy, Housekeeper, Environmental services, Security screening, PICU, Transporter, CCU, Storeroom helper, Laundry worker, Deli worker, Uber/Lyft driver or delivery person, Grocery store worker, Food or restaurant worker, etc.
  4. How was this person influential in your life during our COVID-19 Pandemic?




Committee on Energy and Commerce

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

There's Something in the Water: Reforming Our Nation's Drinking Water Standards

  • This Environment and Climate Change subcommittee hearing will look at nationwide drinking water standards, and examine what steps need to be taken to ensure clean drinking water for all. 

Committee on Homeland Security

Friday, July 31, 2020

Homeland Insecurity: DHS Police Actions Endanger our Democracy

  • This full committee hearing will examine the use of federal law enforcement in American cities, and will feature testimony from Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf




The Americans with Disabilities Act was a turning point for the way disabled Americans are treated, improving access to public buildings and overall quality of life. However, there remains more work to be done in order to ensure disabled Americans can experience the lives they deserve.


I am proud to be a supporter of abolishing ICE. This agency has been responsible for continued mistreatment and civil rights violations of immigrants. This must stop, and this legislation is an important first step. 

The Muslim ban was discriminatory on its face, and I was proud to join with House Democrats to repeal it. Immigration makes our country stronger, not weaker, and restricting access to our country by religion is bigoted and a return to the darkest days of our country's history.


At every turn, this administration has been dedicated to disenfranchising immigrants in a thinly veiled attempt to satisfy his base. This order cannot be allowed to stand. Immigrants are people, and they must be counted in this year's Census.


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