Join the thousands who have already signed the petition
July 27, 2020

Checking in -

We wanted to send a quick reminder to encourage you to sign NORML’s petition to Donald Trump and Joe Biden calling on them to pledge to end marijuana prohibition.

Well over ten thousand people have already signed and we urge you to do the same.


Then, share it with your networks to help us build the pressure:

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Here’s to a successful year,


P.S. During these difficult times, NORML’s efforts have largely been supported by our amazing sustaining members who contribute a few bucks a month to help ensure we have the resources for the long fight. If you can, please kick in $5, $10 or $20 a month to help us keep going.

Subject: ALERT: A congressional vote on marijuana policy is near
From: Justin Strekal, NORML Political Director
Sent: July 21st


We don't need to tell you that marijuana legalization is a winning political issue. That’s because you already know that a super-majority of Americans -- including most Democrats, Republicans, and Independents -- want the federal government to legalize cannabis.

You know this. But neither Donald Trump or Joe Biden has gotten the memo.

Both candidates want your vote in November. But neither have sought to earn your vote by pledging to end marijuana prohibition.

This is why we have set up a petition calling upon them to commit to ending federal marijuana criminalization and enact sensible and politically popular policy reforms.


It’s time for the interests of the tens of millions of Americans who support replacing marijuana prohibition with a system of adult-use legalization to have their say in Washington, DC. And we’ll have our say if we raise our voices. That is why, in addition to signing this new petition, we need you to also share it with your friends and family to ensure that our voices do not go unnoticed.

By joining together, we cannot be ignored. By being unified, will we be heard.

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In the petition, we are calling upon the two major party candidates to support the following changes in federal marijuana policy:

Deschedule. Expunge. Reinvest.

1) Deschedule the marijuana plant from the Controlled Substances Act so that states, not the federal government, are the primary regulators of marijuana policy and so that local governments (that wish to do so) can take steps to regulate the marijuana market unimpeded by the threat of undue federal interference. Utilize the bully pulpit to advocate Congress to prioritize and advance legislation similar to The MORE (Marijuana, Opportunity, Reinvestment, and Expungement) Act to rectify existing state/federal conflicts over marijuana access, banking issues, and other related policies. Pledge to appoint federal officials in the positions of US Attorney General, Secretary of Health and Human Service, Director of the US Drug Enforcement Administration, and other relevant agencies who will no longer oppose efforts to bring about legislative and regulatory changes to federal marijuana policy -- including efforts to facilitate greater clinical research and exploration into marijuana’s therapeutic utility. Pledge to pursue executive actions to enact changes in federal marijuana policy when applicable.

2) Call for the automatic review of federal convictions specific to low-level marijuana-related offenses, and for the expungement and/or resentencing of these convictions when applicable. The stigma and loss of opportunities stemming from a marijuana conviction can last a lifetime. At a time when the nation is facing mass unemployment, the federal government can and should remove -- nor promote -- undue barriers to economic opportunity and prosperity.

3) Provide federal financial assistance to facilitate state and local governments to review and expunge non-violent marijuana convictions through the issuance of grants and other resources. Tens of millions of Americans currently carry the burden of a state-specific marijuana conviction. In many cases, these convictions are for activities now deemed legal under state laws. These individuals should no longer carry this undue stigma and the lost opportunities that go with it. While many state governments are now engaging in the process of reviewing and vacating some of these convictions, this process would be further facilitated with federal assistance, inducements and resources.

4) Work to ensure that a portion of revenues derived from businesses in the marijuana sector are circulated and reinvested into those communities most adversely impacted by prohibition, and that the emerging legal industry creates pathways for ownership opportunities for local small businesses, as well as engage in practices that promote social justice and equity.

Together, we're going to be heard. Sign the petition now and then share it with your community:

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Thanks for all you do,

P.S. During these difficult times, NORML’s efforts have largely been supported by our amazing sustaining members who contribute a few bucks a month to help ensure we have the resources for the long fight. If you can, kick in $5, $10 or $20 a month to help us keep going.

NORML and the NORML Foundation
1420 K Street, NW, Suite 350
Washington, DC xxxxxx
(202) 483-5500 •
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