Dear Partners, 

The COVID-19 pandemic is shining a harsh light on existing disparities, and flat-out gaps, in health and health care in the United States — and oral health is no exception. It is also putting access to oral health care at risk. At the same time, policymakers and candidates for office are building their policy agendas for 2021.

As we explain in our new Insights Column, Now Is the Time for Oral Health Coverage: A Call to Action for All Health Advocates, achieving a healthier, stronger, more equitable nation requires prioritizing comprehensive health coverage that includes oral health care.

As our leaders discuss how best to recover and drive our country toward improved health, a stronger economy, and racial equity, we cannot allow them to continue to overlook and undervalue oral health.

Now is the time to act. Please join us in this critical fight. If you have a personal story about the importance of oral health care, or how a lack of access to oral health care affects you, you can share your story here. To find out how you can get more involved, contact Melissa Burroughs, Senior Oral Health Campaign Manager, at [email protected].

Thank you for your partnership!

To your health, 

Melissa Burroughs,
Senior Oral Health Campaign Manager

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