The 2020 election will have major consequences for all of our day-to-day lives...


The voting disasters reported in multiple state primaries this year were completely avoidable. And, they’re a stark reminder of why Common Cause’s voter protection work is both important and urgent.

Just imagine being a voter in Georgia a few weeks ago. You wanted to follow social distancing guidelines, so you requested your absentee ballot weeks or even months in advance so you could vote by mail.

One week goes by, then two, then three -- and your ballot never arrives. So first thing in the morning on Election Day, you go to your polling place -- after looking it up one more time, just to be sure. And good thing you did, because it was changed at the last minute to a new location.

Just as frustrating, your polling place isn’t open when you get there. You wait in line for hours -- maybe a machine breaks, or there are too few poll workers, or too many voters in the same situation as you.

And finally, after all of that, you’re told you won’t be able to vote at all, or forced to use a provisional ballot you’re not sure will count.

This is exactly what happened to thousands upon thousands of voters this year, in state after state. Despite the best efforts of poll workers and volunteers, a multitude of eligible voters -- particularly in Black and Brown communities -- were left behind.

Friend, we absolutely must not allow this to happen again in November.

That’s why I am extremely thankful for Common Cause advocates like you -- who are working day in and day out to protect voters, hold vote suppressors accountable, and make sure every eligible American can be heard this year.

In many states that experienced problems -- particularly in Georgia and Wisconsin -- Common Cause’s state leaders sounded the alarm months in advance, again and again reiterating their warnings as the COVID-19 pandemic increased the chances of an Election Day meltdown.

For Election Day we mobilized -- with volunteers working from the safety of their vehicles or answering the 866-OUR-VOTE hotline to identify voters in need of assistance. At the same time, our social media monitoring team watchdogged for any shadowy internet ploys to discourage or confuse voters with online disinformation.

I’m proud that the Common Cause team helped thousands of voters navigate problems they shouldn’t have had to face in a 21st-century democracy -- and I’m glad we were there.

HOWEVER... I regret to inform you that what we witnessed in the primaries could be just a preview of what’s to come in November -- and that’s why we must immediately step up our Election Protection efforts.

Friend, I’m not exaggerating the situation one bit when I tell you that we’re now embarking on one of our most intense mobilizations Common Cause has ever seen, as we prepare for the unprecedented and historic 2020 election.

Between now and November, our action teams will be required to spring into action on a moment’s notice. We’ll need to be ready to put pressure on election officials, push back on those who would shamefully exploit this pandemic to suppress votes, and if necessary, go to court in order to protect voters’ rights.

That’s why today, I’m asking you to join a special group of Common Cause supporters -- Guardians of Democracy -- who’ve made a monthly commitment to step up with the funds we need to win.

With just $5, $10, or even $25 a month, you can immediately make a major impact for voters this year, because your monthly commitment will give us the ability to plan and budget to meet this crisis.

I urge you to please become a Guardian for Democracy today. As a thank you for your timely act of commitment, we’ll send you a copy of Robert Reich’s newest book, “The System: Who Rigged It And How We Fix It.”

I'll Sign Up!

Sorry, I can't become a sustaining member at this time, but I’d still like to make a one-time gift to help where it’s needed most.

Voting rights shouldn’t be a partisan issue. But instead of bringing people together to protect one of the cornerstones of society -- free and fair democratic elections -- President Trump and far too many others in his party are focused only on their own short-term political preservation.

Common Cause is not about to stand by and let that happen, and I know you aren’t either. Fortunately, we have decades of experience with protecting voters under difficult circumstances -- against natural disasters, computer failures, and everything in between.

So, while we’ve never seen anything like this pandemic, I’m confident we’ll be able to find the best solutions to stop these vote suppression schemes and protect every single voter’s right -- Republicans, Democrats, and Independents -- to be heard.

This means establishing or expanding vote-by-mail (or absentee voting) in every state where it’s viable for the November elections. It also means ensuring accessibility for people who choose not to vote by mail or can’t -- like people with disabilities or living on Native reservations -- by maintaining sufficient safe in-person voting locations on Election Day, alongside reforms like early voting and online registration.

The truth is, Common Cause’s work to protect voters in 2020 has grown even more critical in the past few weeks. That’s why we’re counting on you, if you’re able, to step up with the resources to make it possible. I hope you will do what you can to help today.

Sorry, I can't become a sustaining member at this time, but I’d still like to make a one-time gift to help where it’s needed most.

We’ve fought for half a century to protect every American’s right to vote -- but that fight has taken on new importance now. I’m glad we can continue to count on your support.

Thanks for standing with us,

Karen Hobert Flynn, President
and the team at Common Cause

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