Dear John,
Have you seen how desperate Boris Johnson is?
Downing Street told us Parliament was powerless to block an
undemocratic No Deal but now Boris Johnson is in a panic, and he is
disgracefully dragging the Queen into the heart of the most outrageous
exploitation of the usual powers of Government.
The Prime Minister is trashing our constitution because he knows
that there is no majority in Parliament or in the country for an
undemocratic No Deal. Will you chip in now to stop Boris
Johnson destroying democracy?
chip in £15
In the referendum campaign, Boris Johnson promised the
people a 'great deal'. Now he's attempting to force through a
No Deal which neither the people nor Parliament have voted for. This
is neither fair nor democratic and we have to make our voices heard
saying so.
Anything you donate will help us make the case for the people, not
Boris Johnson, to have the final say on the future of this
chip in £3
chip in £7
chip in £15
chip in another amount
Thank you for your incredible generosity.
Margaret Beckett MP, Leading Supporter
of the People's Vote campaign
Can you join us for the march in London on October 19? Sign up now to
let us know you're coming.
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