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Subject Thousands More Petition to Remove Norman Mayor | Sesame Street promotes BLM
Date July 27, 2020 1:30 PM
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Thousands More Petition to Remove Norman Mayor | Sesame Street promotes BLM Published Monday, July 27 2020 THIS WEDNESDAY Western Civilization is Christian Civilization David A. Holland is a writer, speaker, and house church pastor who has written extensively on subjects that lie at the intersection of faith, public policy, media, and culture. He has collaborated with preachers, politicians, and professional athletes on 37 published books as a ghostwriter, including two New York Times non-fiction bestsellers. His own books include Paul Harvey’s America: The Life, Art, and Faith of a Man Who Transformed Radio and Inspired a Nation and The Faith and Values of Sarah Palin: What She Believes and What it Means for America. Bring someone! ____________ We Meet at Randall University 3701 S. I-35 Service Road, Moore, OK 73160 THE BARBER CENTER NOON to 1 PM $3 for entry and drinks From Catering Creations OKC Food items from $4 to $8 Table of Contents BOB LINN Cancel Culture? Democrats too? OCPAC WAR CHEST DAVID A. HOLLAND Antidote for the Poison of Howard Zinn COLUMBUS DAY Last Week's Meeting Video DAN FISHER The Fraudulent Concept of Race Part Two (Conclusion) UNITE NORMAN Signatures growing in petition for Mayor's removal OKLAHOMA BOARD OF EDUCATION Votes 4-3 to not force masking of children! SESAME STREET PROMOTES BLM Elmo and Louie Join Marxist BLM Protests CONSERVATIVE INDEX 2020 Links to our past COVID-related articles STEVE ANDERSON Newly Published Book The First Level of Reality __________________ Was this newsletter forwarded by a friend? Sign up to get your own copy. It will come to your inbox each Monday morning. Sign up here. BOB LINN Cancel Culture? Democrats too? Reagan had us thinking Marx was dead. Bernie Sanders taught us better. In Sander’s wake, the Black Lives Matter brand captured center stage internationally and is now the leading opinion molder world-wide. Political and corporate leaders have bent the knee to a new moral compass swiftly re-programming the American, well, everything! Statues, educational institutions, food packagers, and team mascots are the classroom models used to teach us the “wokeness” of Cultural Marxism. Along side comes another newly developed term, "Cancel Culture." With amazing speed, Black Lives Matter, is activating thousands of angry revolutionaries in cities all over the world. Led by well-trained Marxists, the protests target both local police and Western culture. Tens of thousands have gathered in Berlin, Paris, London, Mexico City, and many other points on the globe. All with the same revolutionary agenda. It is a war on Western Civilization. A statue of Great Britain’s Winston Churchill was defaced by Black Lives Matter. Churchill provided the courage and leadership responsible for stopping Hitler’s dream of a 1,000-year Reich. In doing so, he put a stop to the genocide of the world’s most famous racist. Hitler oversaw the murder of more than 6 million Jews. Because he did not like Jews. Churchill’s fearless fortitude led the free world in averting that very dark and very racist reality. BLM protesters, the enemies of Christian liberty, sprayed “racist” on the statue of Winston Churchill. Churchill, the man who crushed the evil empire of the world’s leading racist. Churchill’s fearless fortitude led the free world in averting that very dark and very racist reality. BLM protesters, the enemies of Christian liberty, sprayed “racist” on the statue of this man who crushed the evil empire of the world’s leading racist. Black Lives Matter is the resurrection of Robespierre’s Jacobins and their Reign of Terror. It is a secular movement bent on revolution. The willingness to participate in the death and destruction performed under the Marxist label, Black Lives Matter, is an indication they are capable of instituting the revolutionary tribunals which marked the secular French revolution. Regrettably, the secular paradise Marxism advertises would become, instead, a Robespierrian hell on earth. As were the reigns of Lenin, Hitler, and others. Tired of lessons in “wokeness” by those who can destroy but who cannot build? One bold Texan, U.S. Congressman Louie Gohmert, has had enough of the condemnation being heaped upon this nation’s history. When the condemnation came from within his own government, he chose to challenge those marching to the Black Lives Matter agenda. Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat-led U.S. House of Representatives went too far in their self-righteous hypocrisy. You might have seen her photograph kneeling in humility because of her regrettable white skin color. Last week, Nancy Pelosi welcomed for a vote on the House floor a Democrat resolution calling for the removal of all reminders of our racist past. You know, the “Wokeness” which leads to “Cancelling Culture”. The resolution is HR 7573. It passed the Pelosi-led House. It will remove from the House chambers busts of 4 individuals who qualify as culture needing cancelled. They qualified because they “served as an officer or voluntarily with the Confederate States of America or of the military forces or government of a State while the State was in rebellion against the United States” Hey! Not so fast, Nancy! You missed a few of those reminders of our racist past! Congressman Gohmert crafted a resolution of his own. Last Thursday, he read the resolution to Ms. Pelosi and the members of the U.S. House. (Listen to him read it here. Read the bill here.) He pointed out that the Democrat’s Resolution failed to address the institution which most fervently supported and fought for slavery. The Democrat Party. Some things the congressman noted might "trigger" our very "woke" generation: Many years of pro-slavery Democrat platforms 0% support from Democrats to pass the 14th Amendment (To free the slaves) 0% support from Democrats to pass the 15th Amendment (Allowing Blacks to vote) 1924 Democrat National Convention nick-names "Klan Bake" (As the founders of the Ku Klux Klan, the party was influenced by it.) The 1964 75-day filibuster by Democrats against the Civil Rights Act Prominent Democrat Senator Robert Byrd a recruiter for the Klan (KKK) Jim Crow laws were enacted and enforced by Democrats The 4 statues removed by HR 7573 were of Democrats Congressman Gohmert's resolution: 1. That the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall remove any item that names, symbolizes or mentions any political organization or party that has ever held a public position that supported slavery or the Confederacy, from any area within the House wing of the Capitol or any House office building, and shall donate any such item or symbol to the Library of Congress. 2. That any political organization or party that has ever held a public position that supported slavery or the Confederacy shall either change its name or be barred from participation in the House of Representatives. How is that for a bit of Texas-style "woke" "culture cancellation"? As they often say, Don't Mess with Texas! God bless each of you! ‌ Help us continue to build the OCPAC war chest. November lies ahead. 100% of your money goes directly to the campaigns of candidates OCPAC leadership has vetted and endorsed. Mail Checks to: OCPAC P.O. Box 2021 Edmond, OK 73083 DONATE HERE God bless and thank you for all you do for Oklahoma! ________________ Get this newsletter sent to your inbox every Monday! Sign up here. DAVID A. HOLLAND Antidote for the Poison of Howard Zinn CULTURAL MALNUTRITION Three generations of undernourished education in America has produced a culture void of much that is rich and enduring. Christians would do well to read better books. Books of substance and relevance. Books which have the intellectual strength required to serve as building blocks for the future of mankind. Crafting the future requires a knowledge of the foundation upon which we stand. The quality of the books we read will determine our aptitude for helping our families and communities influence future generations. To remove the ideological fantasies we have received from our government educations, one great place to begin is a book from the United Kingdom. Tom Holland's Dominion, The Making of the Western Mind. Actually, the version published in the United States uses this subtitle: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World. Holland persuasively proves that all the upward progress we take for granted was made possible because Christianity spread throughout Europe and rooted itself there deeply. It also reveals how our system of values, including the values liberals generally hold most dear, are a legacy of the spread of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  ______________ The Enemies of Civilization are Burning Our Cities OCPAC NOON to 1 PM Randall University Wednesday Author & Speaker, David A. Holland The Intersection of Faith, Policy, and Culture LAST WEEK: COLUMBUS DAY For those who want to listen again to last week's excellent presentation, find it here. DAN FISHER The Fraudulent Concept of Race Part Two The following is the second of a two-part series by Dan Fisher. How to properly addresses the way race is viewed in the 21st century. Dan was asked to submit the article because the foundations of racism and its impact on an individual's sense of superiority or inferiority based on skin color find their point of origin in the mythical concepts of human ontology taught by our government schools. Dan exposes those ideas below. ~Bob Linn Scripture groups all of us into the “one blood” category. Hence, the word “race” has little meaning. Unless, of course, we are referring to the single human race. All people are so similar genetically that only a genetic variation of .01% distinguishes us – regardless the shade of our skin. That is a point of science so well established that we all are in agreement here. There really are no “white” or “black” people. All of us have skin in varying shades of brown produced by a chemical in our skin called melanin. Depending on the amount of melanin we produce, our skin is either light, medium, or dark brown. Our differences only skin deep. THE CONCEPT OF RACE FROM A GENETIC STANDPOINT HAS BEEN ABOLISHED To add scientific horsepower to this fact, consider Lluis Quintana-Murci of the National Centre for Scientific Research. Located in Paris, it is among the world's leading research institutions. It is the largest fundamental science agency in Europe. His work is regularly cited in scientific journals. He wrote: “The genes that explain the phenotypic differences [characteristics like hair color, etc.] between populations only represent a tiny part of our genome, confirming once again that the concept of ‘race’ from a genetic standpoint has been abolished.” The 1998 article, “We’re All the Same” was published on the American Broadcasting Network’s science page. It declared, “More and more scientists find that the differences that set us apart are cultural, not racial. Some even say that the word ‘race’ should be abandoned because it’s meaningless ... [W]e accept the idea of race because it’s a convenient way of putting people into broad categories, frequently to suppress them … The most hideous example was provided by Hitler’s Germany.” Dr. Douglas C. Wallace, biologist and geneticist at the Univ. of PA and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, PA, adds, “The criteria that people use for race are based entirely on external features that we are programmed to recognize.” And finally, J. Craig Venter, one of the leaders of the Human Genome Project that first mapped and sequenced human DNA, stated succinctly, “There is only one race – the human race.” So why, then, are there so many “people groups” and where did they come from? If one asks leading historical linguists, anthropologists, sociologists, and related scientists that question, the answer will be a resounding “We do not know!” The answer has been lying in front of us for centuries. Today, the complete Biblical canon represents the most abundant, authoritative, and well-read document known to mankind. Its passages adorn the halls of the governments of nations, including our own in Washington, D.C. The first Book of Moses is the book of Genesis. Genesis 11 speaks of the years following the flood of Noah and of Nimrod’s attempt to build the first global government centered in the tower of Babel. It tells us how God interrupted Nimrod’s attempt by simply multiplying the number of human languages so that the human race was divided by its various language-speaking groups. Truth often provides the simplest and most reasonable answer. For millennia, we have possessed that very simple and reasonable solution to the dilemma of the origin of languages and people groups. Once multiple languages appeared, people were forced to group themselves together according to language. They scattered across the earth and built societies. It is what God had commanded them to do in the first place. In time, certain genetic distinctives, either originally inherent or caused by micro-adaptations to climate, were repeated enough throughout the generations to produce the different shades of skin, facial and eye shape, etc. found in the approximately 12,000-24,000 people groups (not races) we see around the world today. Ken Hamm, in his book One Race One Blood explains how this impacts our thinking about the past and the future. The spiritual implications of these facts cannot be overstated. We are all descended from the same source – not a “mythical” composite man, but the “real” first man, Adam. And since we are Adam’s sons, we have inherited Adam’s sins. Thankfully, God sent His Son, the “second” or “last” Adam to redeem what the “first” Adam lost. The whole Gospel rests on this foundation. Scripture makes this abundantly clear: “For since by man [Adam] came death [physical and spiritual], by Man [Jesus] also came the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive. … 45 And so it is written, ‘The first man Adam became a living being.’ The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.” (1 Cor 15:21-22,45, NKJV) “Therefore, just as through one man [Adam] sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned … 15 For if by the one man’s offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many.” (Rom 5:12,15, NKJV) We cannot live in the past and revisit the sins committed by our ancestors. We cannot undo the wrongs that have been committed because of the discrimination based on elements of human culture and physical features (mythically called racial prejudice). It is not only impossible but unreasonable to demand that any generation pay reparations for the sins of their fathers. The truth is, we have all sinned and we all owe a debt that we cannot repay. The best we can do is forgive the sins of the past and move forward with good will into the future as fellow members of the human family. In the end, as members of the one human race, the only “race” that really matters is the race of life. Jesus said that there are two “races” we can run – one up the narrow road that leads to eternal life and the other down the broad road that leads to eternal damnation. The only real difference between all of us, light brown skin, medium brown skin, or dark brown skin, is the direction in which we are “racing.” Each of us choose the path we follow. Choose Wisely Dan Fisher co-pastors Fairview Baptist Church in Edmond with Paul Blair. Dan was aided immeasurably by the work Ken Ham has done on this subject and has published in his book, One Race One Blood. Email Dan here. Buy his books here. ‌ 13,000+ sign petition to remove Norman's mayor WE NEED 9,000 more! On June 18, the City council cut $865,000 from the police budget as Black Lives Matter movement lead a national campaign to defund the police. On Friday, July 10, Unite Norman filed petitions to recall the Mayor and 4 City Council Members. An energized conservative base in Norman has done amazing work the first two weeks of petition gathering. We are asking Norman residents to sign a petition for the purpose of removing the mayor and 4 council members from office. Late last week, one of Norman's council members resigned. Come help us knock doors to send the rest home. Send us an email and we will provide the details. Monday-Friday: 6 PM to dark Saturday & Sunday Contact UNITE NORMAN here. Contact the OCPAC Army here. OKLAHOMA BOARD OF EDUCATION Votes 4-3 Not to Force Masking of Children Oklahoma Board of Education votes to keep decision on masking local Last Thursday, Oklahoma Board of Education rejected the proposal to force children to wear masks. Thanks to all of you who called and submitted emails! The board voted 4-3 to allow local school districts to decide their own policies. Take 10 minutes out of your day to thank those voting for allowing local schools to make their own decisions. Thank the 4 who voted for local control: Brian Bobek Estela Hernandez William Flanagan Jennifer Monies THANKS TO OUR OCPAC ACTIVISTS! SESAME STREET BLACK LIVES MATTER THE MARXIST REVOLUTION Your 3-year-old is being trained in Marxist principles. Need to get your children ready for chic but far-leftist magazine Teen Vogue? Sesame Street is just the place. Both are promoting the self-described Marxist organization Black Lives Matter (BLM). That would be the organization orchestrating the burning and looting of American cities. Under the banner of nice-sounding code-words, of course. Elmo's dad, Louie (holding the sign above) explains the Black Lives Matter protests in cities across America. Louie says, “On Sesame Street, we all love and respect one another, but across the country, people of color ― especially in the Black community ― are being treated unfairly because of how they look, their culture, race, who they are. What we are seeing is people saying ‘enough is enough.’ They want to end racism.” Actually, the scene begins with an angry crowd shouting, "Black Lives Matter." You may watch the entire clip, including the BLM promotion, here. Hence, the connection to the radical left, a movement focused on destroying the Christian West. This is in contrast to groups who actually care about human dignity, prosperity, and camaraderie. The organizations who are actually building up the Black community and the inner cities are ignored by Elmo's father, Louie. Productive and positive groups like Star Parker's Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE), Jesse Lee Peterson's Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (BOND), and the National Leadership Network of Black Conservatives' Project 21. Marxism can only destroy. Christian values build and produce prosperity. THESE ARE THE KINDS OF ORGANIZATIONS WE SHOULD BE LOOKING TO FOR LEADERSHIP On June 15, we highlighted quite a number of leaders from the Black community including Jesse Lee Peterson. Find that edition here. Two weeks later, on June 29, we highlighted Project 21 and its fight against the Democrat policies of LBJ which have destroyed the Black culture. Find that newsletter here. Last week, the OCPAC newsletter provided detailed information on Teen Vogue magazine and its unwholesome advocacy of BLM and other Marxist causes. Find that newsletter here. CONSERVATIVE INDEX 2020 How Conservative is Your Legislator? For more than 40 years, Ron McWhirter and Steve Byas of the Oklahoma Constitution have developed and published the Conservative Index. It has served to apply the fixed Biblical standards which built Western Civilization to the Oklahoma Legislature. They have, in recent years, teamed up with OCPAC to assist in evaluating the many bills of the session to select a group of ten which most represents a posture of either conservative or leftist. Your legislator's votes are marked as a "C" if their vote on the bill was representative of a conservative vote. An "L" indicated the vote was representative of a member of the political left. A "Z" indicated that the legislator did not vote on that bill. Legislators are awarded 10 points for each "C" and no points for each "L". We grant 3 points for a "Z". MORE DETAILED INFORMATION Oklahoma's Top Conservative Legislators Find more information and a list of Oklahoma's top conservative Legislators at The Oklahoma Constitution website here. _____________ Conservative Index is also found on the OCPAC website here. COVID CONTINUING IN THE NEWS FOR YOUR INFORMATION AS THE LEFTIST MEDIA CONTINUES TO POUND AWAY AT A DEBUNKED THEORY To see the information OCPAC has published in the past few weeks on the medical and scientific data which overwhelmingly supports an immediate return to normality, see these past issues: Europe's Wuhon Connections March 23, 2020 Doctors from Yale, Stanford, Harvard speak out March 30, 2020 History of Dr. Fauci April 6, 2020 China and Coronavirus/Curtis Bowers April 13, 2020 Medical charts: International/Oklahoma April 20, 2020 California study on 5,000 patients Dr. Daniel Erickson April 27, 2020 The clear politics of COVID May 18, 2020 Dr. Jeff Barke: Government and COVID May 25, 2020 “Never Again!” __________________ Get the OCPAC email sent to your inbox every Monday Sign up here. STEVE ANDERSON Publishes New Book The First Level of Reality FIVE STAR RATING! Order this well-received book written by OCPAC's Political Analyst today! Science meets mysticism in a hidden war waged within the complexities of time and space to control the course of humanity. Four young people enter a world where reality is not always what it seems. Once swept into the fray they find themselves as the primary weapon of one side of the conflict even as they try to determine who or what is using them and why. The reader will join the four as they find that mysticism is layered within the fields of mathematics and physics in a way that may leave you wondering how much is really fiction. Steve Anderson is the OCPAC Political Analyst ORDER STEVE'S NEW BOOK HERE __________________ Books Recommended Last Week Order Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children by Samuel Blumenfeld & Alex Newman. Order Samuel Blumenfeld’s original text, NEA: Trojan Horse in American Education. ‌ OCPAC | P.O. 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