From Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children <[email protected]>
Subject Our Final Newsletter
Date July 27, 2020 12:48 PM
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Farewell blog

19 years of unfaltering commitment to children’s right to freedom from violence ([link removed])

As the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children prepares to close its doors, we reflect on the work and success of the organisation, its unique approach to advocacy and its impact in ensuring children in all regions of the world can grow up free from corporal punishment in their homes, schools and communities. We also invite you to join global and regional networks that will continue working to end all corporal punishment and promote positive, respectful relationships between adults and children. Read more ([link removed]) .
New prohibition!

Seychelles ([link removed]) has become the 60^th state worldwide, and ninth in Africa, to fully prohibit all corporal punishment of children. The Children (Amendment) Act was assented by the President on 19 May 2020 and is now in force.

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New resources!

FAQs in Hausa and Swahili
We are delighted to launch our popular FAQ booklet in Hausa ([link removed]) and Swahili ([link removed]) ! Our answers to questions about prohibiting corporal punishment are now available in 16 languages ([link removed]) .
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Law reform guide in French and Arabic
Packed with useful hints and tips, this short step-by-step guide to prohibiting corporal punishment aims to support governments and civil society, and is now available in English ([link removed]) , French ([link removed]) and Arabic ([link removed]) .
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Positive parenting and educating
We have collected a range of resources that promote positive, non-violent methods of child-raising, in line with our definition of positive parenting and educating. Browse the resources ([link removed]) .
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Day of the African Child

On 16 June 2020, we celebrated the Day of the African Child. This year, the day focused on child-friendly justice systems - which require prohibition of corporal punishment both as a disciplinary measure in penal institutions for children and as a sentence for crimes committed by children. These charts show progress so far and what remains to be done to achieve this vital protection for children across Africa ([link removed]) .

News from the UN and regional human rights systems

Committee on the Rights of the Child ([link removed])
The Committee made recommendations to Austria, Belarus, Costa Rica, Hungary and Rwanda at its 83rd session ([link removed]) , and to the Cook Islands, Tuvalu and Micronesia at its 84th session. ([link removed])

Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women ([link removed])
The Committee made recommendations to Antigua and Barbuda and Botswana at its 72nd session ([link removed]) , and to Cabo Verde and Guyana and its 73rd session ([link removed]) .

Committee Against Torture ([link removed])
The Committee made recommendations ([link removed]) to South Africa at its 66th session and Bangladesh and Togo at its 67th session.

Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ([link removed])
The Committee made recommendations ([link removed]) to Cuba, Niger, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal and Vanuatu at its 21st session and Australia, Ecuador, El Salvador, India, Iraq, Kuwait and Myanmar at its 22nd session.

UN Human Rights Council ([link removed])
The Human Rights Council adopted the final reports of the Universal Periodic Review's 34th session. Read more ([link removed]) .

European Committee of Social Rights ([link removed])
The Committee issued 36 recommendations and observations on corporal punishment to states examined in 2019. Read more ([link removed]) .

As the Global Initiative prepares to cease operations, including our human rights treaty monitoring and UPR, we encourage all organisations to continue to submit information on your state in relation to corporal punishment.

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Our mailing address is:
Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
The Foundry
17 Oval Way
London, London SE11 5RR
United Kingdom

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