In recent weeks, we’ve seen some major wins on the pipelines front. We can shout it from the rooftops: The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is dead!
But Virginia is still fighting the disastrous Mountain Valley Pipeline, which will bring approximately 303 miles of high-pressured fracked gas lines across our waterways, mountains, and indigenous lands.
People power stopped the ACP and it can stop the MVP too. Today we’re demanding that Attorney General Herring stop the MVP from violating the Clean Water Act and polluting our water.
Dial 877-845-9038 NOW to hear a short call script and be routed to Herring’s office.
Our nation has reached a turning point on fracked gas infrastructure. Now more than ever we need to stand up to fossil fuel interests and shut down projects like the MVP.
Can you make a quick call on today to urge Herring to take action now before it’s too late? Dial 877-845-9038 to hear a short call script and be routed to his office.
Or you may use this longer script:
My name is [XXX] and I live in [XXX]. I urge Attorney General Mark Herring to publicly call for the Mountain Valley Pipeline’s cancellation and enforce the consent decree by telling the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality to hire a truly independent environmental auditor. Until then, AG Herring must tell DEQ to issue a stop work order until MVP commissions a new storm water analysis revising their erosion and sediment controls to stop the flow of sediment into waterways.
Standing with you,
Julie & Helene