The soul of our country is on fire. We need justice -- racial justice, health care justice, environmental justice, and economic justice.

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Friends -

We just wrapped up tonight’s debate, and I hope I made you proud.

The soul of our country is on fire. We need justice — racial justice, health care justice, environmental justice, and economic justice.

This is the case I made tonight, and why I’m proud to be a leader in the fight for Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, ending qualified immunity, dismantling systemic racism, and the rest of our bold progressive agenda.

That is why I am in this race, and if you are with me in this fight, then I ask for your support in this final stretch.

If you can, please make a $3 contribution to our campaign right now. Every dollar goes a long way for our grassroots movement and immediately supports our work turning out voters across Massachusetts.

Instead of offering a clear, positive case for his candidacy, Joe Kennedy doubled down on his desperate attacks.

He did not answer why he suddenly changed his position on things like Medicare for All or marijuana right before he decided to run for Senate.

The truth is being a progressive leader requires you to stand up for what’s right. You do not wait for the political winds to change or argue for incrementalism — no matter how lonely the fight may be.

That is what I have done for my entire career. From standing up to party bosses to fight for the first Black state senate seat in Massachusetts to rocking the boat on Capitol Hill by introducing the Green New Deal with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, I’ve led with conviction — not when it was politically convenient.

But it is clear that Joe Kennedy is going to spend these final weeks launching negative attacks against our movement. And he’s going to do it with a max-out machine of status quo backers. That’s why I need to ask:

Can you make a $3 contribution right now to help us fight back? We’re up against big money, and the only way we can win is with a grassroots movement of people like you chipping in whatever they can afford.

Our opponent is getting desperate because we’ve proven that our progressive movement can, in fact, compete with a Kennedy in Massachusetts. And so long as you’re behind me, then we will be prepared for anything he throws our way.

In solidarity,

Ed Markey


At a time when so many are facing hardship and uncertainty, we understand if you cannot afford to donate right now. We are just grateful to be in this fight with you. Senator Markey and all of us on Team Markey are here for you — fighting for you. We will get through this together.

Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 120029
Boston, MA 02112

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