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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 28 August


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Secularism in the media


Brexit: archbishop of Canterbury asked to chair forum

The archbishop of Canterbury has said he could consider chairing a proposed citizens' forum on Brexit after a group of MPs asked him to do so.



Three Irish schools to become first to abandon Catholic ethos

Three schools in Ireland will make history this week by becoming the first to abandon their Catholic ethos and become multi-denominational state-run schools.

The Guardian


Victorian parliament set to pass laws forcing priests to report child abuse

New legislation forcing priests to report child abuse to authorities even if disclosed in confession now has enough support to pass through both houses of parliament in the Australian state of Victoria.

The Age


Missouri's eight-week abortion ban put on hold by federal judge in US

A US federal judge on Tuesday put the brakes on a new Missouri law banning most abortions at eight weeks of pregnancy.

USA Today


US court approves banning atheists from reciting opening prayers at state legislature

An appeals court in the US has decided that atheists, Humanists and other non-theists can be barred from giving opening invocations before the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.



Church under fire for £116m property deal

Local campaigners say that they are fighting a "David and Goliath" battle against the Church of England and a council to prevent more than 1,500 homes from being built on former greenbelt land in West Yorkshire.

The Times (£)


‘Seismic shift changed our Sundays for ever’

A feature on the 25th anniversary of the legalisation of Sunday trading.



‘Prayers, starvation and rape: Mexico’s ultra-conservative war to “cure” LGBTIQ people’

Survivors describe a range of 'conversion therapy' tactics and groups targeting LGBTIQ people in Mexico – and how they're fighting back.



US body voices concern on India registry of Muslims

The head of a US government advisory board on Tuesday voiced concern over India's drive to register citizens in the northeastern state of Assam, amid fears it could disenfranchise millions, most of them Muslims.

Mail Online


Americans less likely to value religion than parents

A survey by the Wall Street Journal and NBC news has suggested that young Americans are significantly less pious than their predecessors.

Premier Christian Radio


Latest from the NSS


Religious reps’ influence over education is an affront to democracy

After a National Secular Society report called for an end to religious appointees on council education committees in Scotland, Neil Barber says it's long past time for these positions to go.


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