A newsletter from Jacqui Lambie

G'day John, Jacqui here.

You haven’t received an email like this from me before. I’m doing something pretty different. 

Here’s what I can say: I’ve recorded an ad.

Let me tell you what I can’t say.

I can’t tell you what it’s for. I can’t tell you what it says. I can’t tell you when it’s going to play. Or where, or for how long. All I can tell you is that when it plays, the Liberals are going to hate it.

Can you help put our ad on the air?

If everyone who was reading this gave $3, we’d be able to run the ad everywhere. Now, not everyone’s in a position to donate, so if you’re able to, can you chip in $6 and cover the cost of someone else who’s not able to afford it?

I don’t take donations like the big players in politics. I’m not bought and paid for by banks, unions, coal companies or lobby groups. All I can do is what you help me to do. 

This ad can’t be funded out of my electorate budget. It’s got to come out of my pocket, and for that, I’ve got to ask for your help.

In return, you’ll be the first to experience the ad, and you’ll get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at what’s gone into its making, why we’re doing what we’ve done, and you’ll get followup on what the impact’s been like. We’ll report back in on how things are going. 

And if we don’t reach the amount needed to run the ad, you’ll get everything back. We’re not doing this to make a dime.

We haven’t got much time. $6 will help get this ad go live. Click here to help me out.

I’m going out on a limb with this ad. I can’t promise everyone is going to love it. In fact, the Libs are going to hate it. But I’ll tell you something else: I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to get things done. And for this one, I can’t do it without you.

Until next time,



PS: I’m pretty strict when it comes to donations. I never want to be in the pocket of someone else. It’s great because it means I’m maybe the only politician in the Senate who can make her own mind up on an issue and vote my conscience rather than how my donors want me to vote. But that comes with a cost too, because it means I’ve got to rely on public donations to keep this boat afloat. Unlike other politicians, your donation won’t buy you any special access or influence. What it’s funding is a true independent. This ad is going to make that crystal clear. I can’t wait for you to see it. It’s a ripper.


Just a heads up - 

We're proud to have the most transparent donations policy in the country. We publish the name, date and amount of every personal donation over $500 and every donation made by an organisation of any value. We don't have to do this. We do it because you deserve to know.

Read our full Donations Policy and see our list of donors by clicking here.


Authorised by G. Williams, Jacqui Lambie Network, Burnie, Tasmania 7320

A Quick Note
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Jacqui Lambie Network · PO Box 264, Burnie, Tasmania 7320, Australia