With only 100 days until Election Day, we are running out of time to make up lost ground. So if you’ve been waiting to give until your donation will have the most impact, now is the time:

Chip in $10 or more to help us reach our end-of-month deadline, fight Republican attacks, and flip this Senate seat blue in just 100 days.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

With so much on the line, I’m making some critical adjustments to our budget as we reach the tipping point of this race. Making changes this close to Election Day is not a great position to be in.

The truth is we knew GOP groups would be laser-focused on our race — we’re the best chance Democrats have of flipping a seat blue. But we didn’t expect them to launch so many nasty, untrue ads against John in such a short period of time.

Right-wing groups are outspending us 2:1 on the airwaves, and every day we let those ads go unchallenged is a day we could lose more ground in this competitive race.

So, I’m turning to our top supporters during this critical moment:

We cannot flip the Senate without winning right here in Colorado, and we cannot do it without your help. Will you make a donation of any amount to help us close out July in the strongest position possible?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

100 days from now, Americans will take to the polls to cast one of the most important votes in modern history. Then, we’ll know if we’ve succeeded in flipping the Senate and replacing Donald Trump in the White House.

Let’s get to work.

— M.E.

M.E. Smith
Campaign Manager
Hickenlooper for Colorado