McSally for Senate

Fellow Conservative, I’m extremely anxious about what I’m seeing.
Martha McSally’s Democratic opponent in Arizona dramatically expanded his fundraising lead last quarter. Liberal special interests and Chuck Schumer are pouring millions into Arizona and have a real shot of flipping Arizona – and with it, the Senate Majority – blue.
Meeting the End of Month goal is an important step in regaining momentum and fighting back. It’s essential that Martha meets this goal, and I’m personally asking for your help.   Chip in ANY AMOUNT to keep Arizona RED and defend the Senate before the July 31st deadline.
Help Martha reach her End of Month goal
<< Donate $100 >>
<<Donate $50 >>
<< Donate $25 >>
<< Donate $10 >>
Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer, and the entire Liberal establishment are focused on Arizona. It’s the single most important race for both Republicans and Democrats.
Meeting this critical End of Month deadline is vital – there are only 6 days left to turn things around. Martha’s opponent has a huge war chest, but the situation is far from hopeless. We have YOU, and as long as YOU are in this fight, Martha will win. Donate now before the End of Month deadline!
Martha is being relentlessly attacked by the Left and dark money groups who are trying to drag her down. I put my faith in you – I know you’ll take this threat seriously enough to step up and join this important fight. TODAY. Pitch in now, please!

Thank you,
Karl Rove




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