I'm a member of the Fairfax, Virginia school board.
This week, I was proud to join my colleagues in renaming Robert E. Lee High School. It will now be John R. Lewis High School. We replaced a confederate general with a civil rights icon!
Fairfax used to be a bastion of right-wing elected officials. It's worth taking a step back to think about how the right people were positioned at the right time to make progressive change.
When running for office, I attended a PCCC candidate training. Many other progressives groups had my back. Years of hard work, and an increasingly diverse electorate, helped flip Fairfax.
To make progressive change, we need to invest in progressive infrastructure and groups doing the hard work.
As we continue to live in the aftermath of George Floyd's murder, and as we honor the life that John Lewis led, it seems fitting to invest in the only national organization whose sole purpose is to increase Black men’s participation in electoral politics.
Its founder, Mondale Robinson, says:
We have created a better way to campaign to Black men...We know that our current way of doing politics has not increased the number of Black men who vote, and we know this is true because nearly half the Black men that are registered to vote in this country have not voted in five consecutive elections. This fact shouldn’t be misconstrued as a critique of Black men, because we know that voting is a habit formed by resources spent on it. And since no one has been prioritizing Black men, progressive policies fail and progressives lose at the polls.
If you're running for office, or are thinking about running for local office, I recommend you sign up for the PCCC's training and resources here.
Thanks for being a bold progressive.
-- Karl Frisch (follow me @KarlFrisch)
Progressive stickers, buttons, T-shirts, and more!
PCCC co-founder Stephanie Taylor's first picture book, I Can Change Everything, teaches kids the power of their imaginations — from changing their socks and shoes to changing the world. Buy it (or any other book) from Powell's using this link, and a portion of your purchase will fund PCCC's organizing! |