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We have a battleground race happening right here in Indiana. The 5th District is up for grabs, and the Dems have their sights set on taking it.

In fact, Elizabeth Warren just thew her weight behind the Democrat nominee. You remember Elizabeth Warren – the failed Dem presidential nominee who wanted to raise our taxes, destroy the American health care system, and reverse the economic momentum our nation saw before the pandemic hit.

This is an election of national importance here in Indiana.

The Dems are pouring buckets of outside special interest money into this race because they are terrified of losing their House majority. And they know that they don’t have a chance of winning on their own merit.

We’re going to have to fight fire with fire on this one. We have a fantastic conservative candidate running, Victoria Spartz, who will fight for all Hoosiers in Congress.

Will you chip in what you can now to help Victoria Spartz win BIG in Indiana’s 5th this November?

We’re adding the name of every person who contributes before the end of the month to a special donor wall. Will you cement your name in Hoosier history by donating now?


Add your name NOW! >>

Even just a few dollars helps us with our grassroots efforts to get the vote out and get conservatives to the polls in 2020.

Winning this seat is going to get us a huge step closer to winning back the House majority, and evicting Nancy Pelosi from the Speaker’s Office once and for all.


Donate $3 for Indiana's 5th!
Donate $6 for Indiana's 5th!
Donate $10 for Indiana's 5th!
Donate $20.20 for Indiana's 5th!
Donate $50 for Indiana's 5th!
Donate $100 for Indiana's 5th!
Donate $250 for Indiana's 5th!

We’re counting on you to help us get Victoria across the finish line in 2020. She’s a true conservative who will fight for Hoosiers and all Americans against the liberals’ radical leftist agenda in Congress.

Thanks for your support,


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