Weekly Reads
"We need to give a lot of money and then get out of the way until and unless we are asked for help. [...] Nonprofit organizations [are] asking for multiyear, flexible funding. Supplying this kind of funding is not glamorous and does not demand that we be the smartest people in the room. It does not demand that grant makers have the answers. It does demand that we approach our work from a position of solidarity, not charity." [more]
– Lisa Pilar Cowan, Robert Sterling Clark Foundation, in The Chronicle of Philanthropy
"[W]e don’t need more statistics, research, or testimonials when it comes to the sector’s failure to uplift Black women in executive leadership roles; we need demonstrable, decisive action in support of Black women’s leadership in this sector." [more]
– Dr. Danielle Moss Lee, Oliver Scholars, in Nonprofit Quarterly
“Systems Change pursued without Deep Equity is, in our experience, dangerous and can cause harm, and in fact leaves some of the critical elements of systems unchanged. And ‘equity’ pursued without ‘systems change’ is not comprehensive at the level of effectiveness currently needed.” [more]
– Sheryl Petty and Mark Leach, Change Elemental
How Is Rural Philanthropy Responding To COVID-19? Under The Radar. [more]
– Allen Smart, Health Affairs