John --

In 100 days Donald Trump - the most racist, confrontational and divisive President the USA has had in recent times - could be re-elected, or he could not.

This binary decision, that on the 3rd November will be made hundreds of millions of times in polling booths across the country, is perhaps the most important in American electoral history.

You don't have to look far to see why it is crucial that Donald Trump is not given a second term.

His failure on Coronavirus has cost almost 150,000 lives and many millions of jobs. His divisive rhetoric and dangerous actions have turned the country into a battleground - pitting black protesters against violent police forces, and Portland mothers against federal officers.

He withdrew from the Paris agreement, turned a blind eye to human rights abuses internationally, and implemented policies like the racist travel ban that targeted minority communities.

Over the coming months HOPE not hate will be providing commentary and tracking sentiment, but we will also be directing our volunteers to take action. While we in the UK may not be able to vote, that does not mean all we can do is watch.

Donald Trump is tearing the United States, and the world, apart. We've got 100 days to make sure that he loses his re-election.

Nick Lowles
HOPE Not hate

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