
I needed to make sure you saw my note — with only 100 days left until Election Day, the Republicans’ plan to overtake our race is working.

They’re launching nasty, false attacks against me — and outspending us 2:1 — in a desperate attempt to shrink our lead even further.

We cannot allow the GOP to gain any more ground as we get down to the wire. Please, add a donation of any amount today to help us reach our end-of-month goal and flip this Senate seat blue. Thank you.

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--------------Original message sent Friday, July 24--------------

Hello — at the end of this email, I will ask you to contribute toward our campaign for Senate during a critical moment in this race. But first, I’d like to explain why your donation really matters — especially today.

First and foremost, Democrats cannot end Mitch McConnell’s Senate majority without winning this seat. Our opponent, Cory Gardner, was recently ranked the most vulnerable Senate Republican. We cannot allow the opportunity to flip this seat slip through our fingers.

Republicans are throwing the kitchen sink at us right now. Trump has attacked us on Twitter, GOP groups are outspending us 2:1 and launching nasty, false ads against me — including a brand new one this morning — and we’re up against a serious cash-on-hand disadvantage.

The thing is… the GOP’s plan is working. Our lead has shrunk in recent weeks and unless we raise more funds — and fast — I’m worried we’ll get completely drowned out in the final critical months of this election.

So, I am personally asking if you’ll add a critical donation to our movement today. Every dollar will immediately help us launch a paid media campaign (TV, digital ads, and more!) to respond to these misleading, nasty attacks from Republican groups:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I know what this incredible grassroots team is capable of. If we can just raise the financial resources we need to stick to our plan, we can fight back against the GOP’s attacks and win this race.

Thank you for everything you’re doing to help us win this incredibly competitive election. I appreciate you.

— John