Dear Friend,
A record number of people attended our recent webinar with Peter Beinart in which we discussed his “Yavne” essay and why he has come to embrace a one-state solution. As you can imagine, we also received a record number of reactions. Most were supportive. Some were not. Some people wanted to know why we would host someone who has a different view on such a fundamental issue.
There are a number of ways to answer that question but, in the great Jewish tradition of answering a question with another question, I think the answer lies in how we think about ourselves. Are we an organization that is static and unmoving? Or are we a movement?
I came to APN because I believe deeply in the need for us to be part of a peace movement.

I believe that our work right now, in this very difficult time, is about building and nurturing that movement. It is about finding ways to bring new people, of all ages and all backgrounds, into partnership with us. Israelis, Palestinians, American Jews, Muslims, and Christians. We need all of these voices and we need everyone who believes in peace for Israelis and Palestinians. We need everyone who believes in justice. We need everyone who believes in equality. We need all of these people with us.

I believe that Peter Beinart is one of those people. He may have a differing view of what he believes the ideal outcome of a negotiated peace settlement to be, but Peter is a partner in our struggle for peace.
Americans for Peace Now has not changed our view that a two-state solution is the answer.
Our positions are anchored in our 40-year mission of pursuing peace between Israel and its neighbors and in our affiliation with Israel’s peace movement, Shalom Achshav.
But I would urge those who want to draw lines about who is in “our tent” and who is out to focus not on the distinction between those who believe that two states is the best answer or those who support one democratic state. Our tent should include all who are striving for peace, equality and justice.
In that spirit, I am sharing with you the recording of my conversation with Peter. I hope that you will listen and will share it with others. And please consider joining us for our regular briefings on annexation, occupation and a range of issues.
We need you to be a part of our movement.
We need your help to forge alliances, build coalitions, and to fight for peace, justice and equality. We can’t do it without you, and we can’t do it without your support. Please make a donation today to help build our movement.

Hadar Susskind
President and CEO
Americans for Peace Now