I am so proud to be your President.
Since the very day that I announced my Presidential Campaign in 2015, I promised you that I would always put America FIRST no matter the cost.
Now, we're almost 100 DAYS OUT from what will be the most important Election in our Nation's history, and with your help, I am ready to WIN AGAIN.
Tomorrow marks a huge day for us, and I need to know that you're still in this fight with me.
I've asked my team to print and frame the 100 Days Out Presidential Donor List made up of the first 100 Patriots who choose to step up at this critical time. This list will proudly hang in my office for me to admire, and I want to see your name on there.
I'm going to review the 100 Days Out Presidential Donor List at the end of the night, and I want to see that YOU gave $42 to show your dedicated support.
Please contribute $42 or more IMMEDIATELY to get your name on the framed 100 Days Out Presidential Donor List that will hang in my office. >>
CONTRIBUTE $250 CONTRIBUTE $100 CONTRIBUTE $50 CONTRIBUTE $42 CONTRIBUTE ANY AMOUNT There's still time left to contribute to get on the list, but you have to act IMMEDIATELY. You've never let me down before and I know you won't start now.
This offer is only available to my best supporters. 57 have already stepped up and contributed in the last few minutes, and now I'm just waiting on you, Friend.
Please contribute ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW to get on the 100 Days Out Presidential Donor List that will be framed in my office.
Thank you,
Donald J. Trump President of the United States CONTRIBUTE $42