Make your voice heard!

Doug is still hoping to hear your thoughts, friend.

He wants to know about your experience over the past few months, your opinion on reopening schools in the fall, and what priorities you have for the next coronavirus relief bill.

The proposals on the table include:

  • a second round of stimulus payments
  • hazard-premium pay for frontline workers
  • extension of the supplemental unemployment benefits offered for the 51 million Americans still unemployed due to COVID-19
  • and many others

Take our survey and tell Doug whether you support these proposals and many others – or add your own ideas today >>



We know that these past months have been difficult for everyone, but we also know it’s affected every person and family differently. We wanted to hear your thoughts.

The Senate is beginning negotiations over what will be included in the next COVID-19 relief bill. Doug wants to hear about as many experiences and consider as many opinions as possible so that he knows which issues will go the farthest to support the people of Alabama and America through this crisis.



Thank you for sharing your thoughts and, as always, thank you for being a part of Team Doug.

–Team Doug







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