Welcome to The Revolution Report — the weekly e-newsletter of our national grassroots organizing network!
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Join us on Monday, July 27th at 8.30 p.m. ET for our weekly Organize to Win Leaders Call with Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb and Our Revolution Board Chair Larry Cohen for an important discussion on “Building a Progressive Democratic Party.” Ahead of the DNC, we are fighting to pass a critical resolution to preserve the 2020 rules reforms we won to limit the role of superdelegates in picking the presidential nominee. We’re also focused on winning new state and local level party reforms to help elect even more progressive champions!
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We only have 101 days until Election Day. Here is where we are: secret police are in the streets, COVID-19 misinformation is rampant, tens of millions have lost their jobs (and health care), and Trump is behaving like an aspiring dictator.
Rush a donation now to stop fascism in America before it’s too late and help us invest in progressive candidates fighting for a future where health care is a human right!
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All across America, Our Revolution is fighting to transform the Democratic Party into a party that represents all of us - not just the wealthy few.
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Our Revolution executive director Joseph Geevarghese spoke with the NYT on how our movement is transforming the Democratic Party and holding Biden accountable to progressive policy priorities. “There is improvement in the climate crisis and criminal justice sections of the platform, compared to Biden’s previous positions on the subject. There should be no doubt that this is a direct result of outside pressure at this moment.”
Read the Full Story Here
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If you’re a DNC delegate, let us know by joining the 2020 Bernie Delegates Network - a hub for the over-1,000 Bernie delegates to the Democratic National Convention.
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All across America, Our Revolution is electing the next wave of progressive champions up and down the ballot.

Last week’s Monday Night Organize to Win Leaders' Call featured Janeese Lewis George, a former prosecutor who unseated an establishment incumbent in her primary for DC Council Ward 4 with the support of Our Revolution DC. Janeese spoke about the current budget battles raging in DC — and many other cities. “DC has billions of dollars in reserves. We have the funds to take care of the most vulnerable in our community. It's not about having the money, it's about having the political will to get it done.”
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Our Revolution Missouri’s July Organizing Meeting featured Cori Bush, our nationally endorsed candidate for Congress in Missouri's 1st district. “As a Black Lives Matter activist in Ferguson, I know firsthand that people don’t feel like their needs are being met. I’m one of those people who is tired of a Congress that isn’t serving the people. It’s time to take our government back.“

Help Our Revolution Missouri GOTV before the August 4th election - VOLUNTEER HERE!
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Our Revolution Minnesota’s July Organizing Meeting featured two progressive champions who are running in the August 11 primary. Omar Fateh, our state senate pick in district 62, said “We need to keep electing real progressives to make real meaningful change. People want someone to vote for that actually speaks to their struggles.” AK Hassan, candidate for Minneapolis City Council ward 6, talked about replacing the police force with a new Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention. “Defunding MPD and reimagining public safety is my top priority. In the wake of George Floyd’s murder, we would be negligent if we do not heed the call for change from the community.”
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During this moment of crisis, Our Revolution is organizing to win transformative policies — from criminal justice reform to health care for all — at every level of government.
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Our Revolution Oregon’s July Organizing Meeting included a report from local leader Bim Ditson on the Portland protests. Bim spoke about the Wall of Moms, a group of Portland mothers who have been positioning themselves on the front lines. “It’s a pretty moving thing to see our people organize, especially in the midst of tear gas and rubber bullets. I’m proud Our Revolution is part of this broad coalition that is calling for systemic change and defunding the police.”
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VICTORY! Our Revolution Monmouth, NJ members organized to get the borough of Red Bank to pass a resolution calling its Congressional delegation to support passage of the Medicare for All Act. “As Our Revolution Monmouth activists, we are very pleased that the Red Bank Council approved the resolution that calls for affordable, comprehensive healthcare for everyone,” said Charlie and Judi Pack. To date, Our Revolution HQ has worked in coalition with Public Citizen and other progressive organizations to win Medicare for All resolutions in 39 local jurisdictions nationwide.
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Our Wisconsin Revolution is leading a campaign to extend a utilities shut-off moratorium during the economic crisis. During the Wisconsin Organizing Meeting, OWR Executive Director Mike McCabe said that “People need to be able to wash their hands, cook at home, and use the internet to educate their kids. How can they do that if they can't pay their bills because they are unemployed through no fault of their own?” OWR also announced 13 endorsements in local races, including Kriss Marion and Emily Voight for State Assembly.
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Our Revolution Montana is leading a campaign for the Green New Deal in their state. The July Organizing Meeting featured climate expert Dave Carlson and State Rep. Tom Woods, who’s running for a seat on the Montana Public Service Commission which regulates the state’s energy utility and sets environmental policy. “For far too long, our commission has been a rubber stamp for bad planning. It’s got to stop — we have to start planning for a better energy future.”
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As local and state governments face major revenue shortfalls due to the pandemic and economic collapse, Frank Clemente of Americans for Tax Fairness joined our Monday Leaders Call to talk about the urgent need for the rich to pay their fair share in taxes. “During the last 3 months, as ordinary Americans suffered through the pandemic, America’s 600 billionaires got $700 billion richer. The millionaires and the billionaires have the money to make sure that programs to address the needs of workers, families, the unemployed are saved and expanded, not cut.”
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In this moment of crisis, Our Revolution HQ is doubling down on building a national network of grassroots powerhouses fighting to win progressive policies, elect progressive candidates, and transform the Democratic Party.
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This election cycle, 62% of our endorsed candidates WON their races up and down the ballot - our highest win rate ever! Our victories against the establishment prove that deep grassroots organizing works - to date, we’ve made more than 500,000 one-on-one voter contacts!
Invest in Building our Organize to Win 2020 Political Program
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Our Revolution Maryland Chair Bob Muehlenkamp wrote a reflection about Our Revolution Maryland’s recent state leadership meeting on planning for the 2020 presidential election. In the wake of the George Floyd protests, many chapter leaders most vehemently opposed to Biden said they had changed their minds - “We have to get Trump out. Period.”
Read the Full Statement Here
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Ahead of August state elections, Our Revolution is hitting the phones to GOTV for our endorsed candidates — including Eva Putzova in Arizona, Cori Bush in Missouri, Rashida Tlaib in Michigan, Keeda Haynes in Tennessee.
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Are your group’s candidates right on our issues? Do they have a chance of winning? Are they running an effective campaign? Are they going to build your group’s power? Join us to learn how to evaluate candidates for local endorsement. Open to all group leaders and activists!
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Slide decks, chat and Q & A. There is a lot that goes into running a successful organizing meeting on Zoom. Join us to learn all the tricks and tips to make sure your meetings are effective. Open to all group leaders and activists!
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