The incredible North Atlantic right whale has officially been red-listed as ON
THE BRINK OF EXTINCTION. There are barely 400 of these majestic creatures left alive – and they're not
alone in their vulnerability.
32,000 species are currently red-listed and in danger of being lost forever. But
we can no longer rely on the landmark law protecting animals in the United
States from extinction. Why not? The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is GUTTING the Endangered Species Act, making
it easier to log, mine and frack critical habitats.
We CANNOT lose precious species to the greed and corruption of Big Polluters. We
must raise our voices to defend and protect these creatures. But we can only
hold our poll open until 11:59 p.m. – and we're still missing 27 responses from
xxxxxx, including yours, John.
Please, tell us immediately:
Are you worried that more vulnerable animals will go EXTINCT if corrupt
officials keep attacking the Endangered Species Act?
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