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Will you be aboard the Trump Train?

President Trump is already engaged in a bareknuckles fight with the Democrats, and they're falling over themselves trying to respond.

It's actually hard not to laugh at them...VERY HARD.

BUT...if we get too confident, we risk underestimating the firepower they have with billionaire supporters like George Soros, bankrolling everything with TENS OF MILLIONS.

And that's why I'm giving you ANOTHER SHOT on hopping aboard our biggest project to-date with which we're taking the fight straight to the Democrats to ensure they stay on their heels!

Our records show you missed the first two invitations for membership on the Trump Train...which is why I'm offering you one final chance.

Our critical resources need to be converted from enrollment to battle strategy soon as we approach Labor Day, so I can't guarantee this enrollment window will stay open for very long. I need you to confirm your 'Trump Train' membership TODAY!

TRUMP TRAIN MEMBER ID#: [email protected]


The Democrats' lead candidate, Joe Biden, is in the middle of yet another huge gaffe controversy.

And though the Biden campaign is trying to laugh it off... and I know full well that Biden has one big problem: He's a liar!

That's why President Trump nailed Biden with one of this best one-liners to-date:

"Joe Biden has definitely lost his fastball."

And as funny as that is, the situation we're facing is VERY SERIOUS!

Democrats are so committed to their socialist ideology, that small hurdles like this won't stop them in their quest to "fundamentally transform America."

They're going to take advantage of George Soros and his leftwing money network to get one of their socialist candidates in office, COME HELL OR HIGH WATER.


Don't miss the train again!

And if they succeed, we should expect a LIBERAL TRAIN of socialist policies like:

  • Universal Medicare
  • Open borders and decriminalization
  • Income tax hikes
  • Gun confiscation
  • Taxpayer funded abortions
  • And stuff we can't even imagine yet...

...and that's why they've officially just launched IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS.

They know they can't win on their own merits so they're going to try to discredit our president in hopes he'll be severely wounded going into 2020...

If you're serious in your support of President Trump, then I need to show it by confirming your name on the Trump Train.

Can President Trump count on you TODAY? Will you CONFIRM YOUR NAME NOW?


Steven Eichler

P.S.- This is as serious as it gets. On Labor Day, we're going to see the Left ratchet up their attacks on President Trump to a degree we've not seen yet. It's gonna get ugly. So we need to be prepared; and we need every available patriot onboard with the Trump Train. Are you in?

  Don't let the Trump Train pass you by!

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