What's New at CPUSA.ORG

Dear John,

This Week @CPUSA:
In a profound speech about sexism, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez takes on Representative Yoho; Portland moms rebuff Trump storm troopers; with the GOP on the defensive, the Heroes Act becomes winnable.  

Illinois and Oregon districts of the CPUSA decry the fascist tactics in Portland, Oregon, and Baltimore activists stand in solidarity with Portland.

D.C. Tenants and Unemployed Organize in a series of online meetings.

Falling Economy, Rising Infections talks about the current state of economic affairs.

The state of our future is in the people, organizations, and new movements.

It's not just the pandemic making us feeling alienated. It's the whole capitalist system.

Divorcing Your Boss discusses the need for working-class consciousness.

July 26: The next Marxist class will feature a discussion of 21st-century imperialism, including the sovereignty of nations, the global working class, building the anti-imperialist and peace movements, and more. Join us! 

In solidarity,

Joe, Scott, & Laura

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