“If we don’t keep the Senate, we’re basically screwed." — top Republican strategist in The Hill

We know it. Donald Trump knows it. Republicans know it. If they lose control of the Senate, they’ll no longer have the power to push through their dangerous agenda. Let’s make sure we take back the majority — add a donation now to help us Flip the Senate in 2020:

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Here’s where we’re at:

  • Republicans don't see a path to take back the House;
  • They’re worried about losing the White House;
  • So, they're focusing all their efforts on keeping the Senate.

Senate Republicans know holding onto their majority is within reach because they’re seeing the same numbers we are.

The GOP has a 53-47 edge in the Senate. They’re defending 22 seats while Democrats need to hold onto 12, which means we need to pick up 4 seats to gain control. It also means we need your help, so we’re asking:

Will you make a contribution toward our campaign to Flip the Senate before our critical end-of-month deadline? Anything you can give will go a long way to help us make sure Democrats take back the majority and end the Republicans’ stranglehold on power.

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The truth is, it won’t matter who is elected president in 2020 if we fail to take back the Senate. Without it, a Democratic President-Elect won’t be able to get her or his agenda past Mitch McConnell.

That means any reform to secure our elections, end gun violence, protect our health care, tackle climate change, and more could end up in McConnell’s so-called “legislative graveyard.”

We cannot afford to let that happen. But our end-of-month deadline is only a few days away, which means we need to act fast. Add a donation of whatever you can afford to keep our campaign to Flip the Senate going strong:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thanks for all you do.

— Flip the Senate